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Dick and Julian ran out of their tent to see two men, one on the ground being attacked by Timmy and the other getting beaten by George with a stick. The one Timmy was attacking was yelling at someone to call the dog off but no such thing occurred. The man rolled over and was now running away from Timmy. Timmy didn't bother running too fast knowing he was faster than any person and just let the man run for his life. Julian and Dick followed Timmy and the man into the woods, leaving the girls to handle this other man. 

Cassia was now moving and felt she was ready to confront her father. Anne tried to hold her back, wanting someone to stay with her and keep her company, but Cassia wriggled out of her grasp. She walked out of the tent to see George hitting her father with a stick. Cassia didn't stop George. She was angry at her father and maybe the only reason he was married to her mother was for the necklace. 

George's stick snapped in half so it was pretty useless now. This unfortunate event only allowed Mr Stephen to have the advantage. Mr Stephen saw his daughter and smirked. He knew she had the necklace and was in desperate need of it. 

"One feisty friend you have, don't you?" Mr Stephen said in an intimidating manner. 

Cassia didn't reply. She was too busy fighting the urge to grab her necklace and let her father know where it is. 

"It's just me, you and this pathetic little girl" Her father said, taking one step closer to them.

George face went red with anger. 'How dare he call me a pathetic little girl! Just a few moments ago, he was getting beaten by me!" George thought. 

"Now all you have to do is give me the necklace" Mr Stephen said, holding his hand out to take possession of it.

"Why?" Cassia said, refusing to obey her disloyal father.

"Because I said so!" He roared. 

Cassia's face had gone white. Yes she had heard him yelling at her mother a few times but never in her life had she heard him shout like this. Feeling threatened, Cassia took a step back only to have her father take a step forward. He didn't stop there though. He took all the steps needed to be right in front of his daughter. He slipped his hand round the chain of the necklace and unexpectedly yanked it. The back of Cassia's neck burned from unpredicted action. Mr Stephen cackled. 

"Finally! I can now get out of this wretched place" Mr Stephen said, heading in the direction that the boys had chased the other man. 

George and Cassia followed Mr Stephen. The wild goose chase went on for a long time. It could have gone on forever if they hadn't crossed paths with the other man, Timmy, Dick and Julian. Both men ran right into each other and toppled onto the ground. Timmy, Julian and George made sure they couldn't get up while Cassia and Dick hugged. They both felt relief that the other was okay.      



Anne knew this voice so was comfortable in coming out of the tent. Theophilus Goon, the local police officer, was standing with a flashlight in hand with other familiar people. Jo, the ragamuffin they had been on adventures with a couple of times, was standing with Theophilus Goon as well as Joanna's friend.

"They went that way" Anne said, pointing to where she saw the shadows of Cassia, George and Mr Stephen go.

Jo and Theophilus wasted no time in going in the direction Anne had pointed too. Joanna's friend comforted Anne while Jo and Theophilus were away.

"How did you know there was trouble here?" Anne asked, genuinely confused on how they knew they needed their help. 

"We were just out on a long walk when we saw shadows running in the woods. We didn't take notice of it until we heard dog barks. That usually means trouble" She said, "We walked a bit more to find an entrance to the woods and noticed that people were camping here"     

Anne nodded. She hoped that no one was injured and everything could be solved with a little  negotiation, though she doubted that this was possible. 



Cassia and Dick broke apart from their hug. Cassia knew this wasn't Anne because it sounded nothing like her. Who could this girl be?

"Jo?" Dick called out, seeing her running with the local police officer, Theophilus Goon.

Theophilus Goon put both men under arrest and called some more police officers on his walkie talkie. Jo hugged Dick. She was so excited to see him due to her strong affinity with him. Cassia put on a fake smile. She didn't know who this girl was but knew shouldn't make assumptions about someone. 

The two men were taken out into the open and put in one of the police car that had just arrived. Anne ran up to them and hugging each one of them. Seeing that Anne was alright with Jo made Cassia realise that they could just be friends that haven't seen each other in a long time.

Theophilus Goon came over and handed Cassia her necklace back. She was going to need a new chain for her necklace.  


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