Mystery and investigation

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In the morning, Cassia woke up very sleepy. God knows how long she had been up for that night. George had to pull her out of the bed to get her up for breakfast. Both Anne and George had noticed the black rings under eyes when they woke her. Dick and Julian also noticed this as Cassia came trudging out for breakfast. 

"What's up with you?" Julian asked, only getting a death stare from Cassia. 

Dick walked over to Cassia, who was sat on the picnic blanket that he and Julian had set up, and put his arm around her. Her head immediately rested on his shoulder and she closed her eyes. He placed his hand on her head and began to massage it. His form teacher, Mr Williams, had told the class one simple fact everyday. Mr Williams said giving a head massage relaxes people and would most likely make the feel sleepy. 

Julian brought out the bag containing the food and placed it in the middle of the picnic blanket. Anne really wanted to do this as she loved being helpful. Julian allowed her so she began putting the food on the plates. There were two ham sandwiches each, a packet of crisps each and a cherry tart each. Of course Joanna had packed a bone for Timmy. Anne placed the bone near George so Timmy could eat happily. She passed the plates to everyone, each person thanking her, even Cassia. 

Cassia lifted her head off of Dick's shoulder considering the fact that he would be covered in crumbs once she was done. Dick pouted at Cassia. The girl rolled her eyes and shuffled herself closer to her boyfriend. Dick smiled with satisfaction. 

Julian decided to start a conversation since it was so quiet. Everyone was getting involved, even Timmy barked as if to agree to something. As the children laughed at one of Dick's cheesy jokes, Cassia began to rethink what had happened last night. It couldn't have been the fox because the footsteps were too heavy. 

"Dick" Cassia prodded him in the side with her finger. 

"Yes love?" Dick asked, jolting a little.

"I heard footsteps last night. Not animal footsteps, human footsteps" Cassia whispered, trying not to make it obvious that she wasn't listening to the other conversation. 

"Where were they going?" Dick asked, getting concerned. 

"They were walking past my tent but as soon as they heard Timmy growling they turned back the way they came" She answered. 

After Cassia had said that, the two had a long conversation about telling the others. Dick had had a lot of adventures a knew it was best that they all knew what was going on. Cassia finally agreed but she didn't want to be the one to tell them. Dick stopped the conversation Julian, George and Anne were having and began to tell the others what Cassia had heard last night. Dick every now and then looking back at Cassia to confirm he was telling it correctly. When he finished the others were astounded. George mostly excited they were in another adventure. 

George loved having adventures. She always loved going back to school and having something to boast about to the other girls. On the other hand, Anne hated them. She had had enough with all the adventures they were having and just wanted a normal summer. She would have preferred to stay at home all summer. Julian had a neutral feeling about adventures. 

George jumped up, letting the crumbs fall onto the picnic blanket. She ran into the tent and grabbed her backpack. She ran back out to the others and grinned. Anne groaned making the others laugh. 

"Oh come on Anne! Adventures are so exciting" George exclaimed, getting energetic and antsy. 

Julian clapped his hands together and got both his and Dick's backpack. George's smile grew wider and raced in the tent, coming out with Anne and Cassia's backpacks. Anne sighed watching everyone else get up and put there backpacks on. Anne reluctantly followed. 

Cassia led them to the side she and Timmy had heard the footsteps coming from. George took the lead from there. The five followed George into the forest that surrounded the campsite, not considering that they could get lost. They followed George for a long time, Julian always checking how far they had come but it came to a point where he couldn't do that anymore. They six came to a halt. There was a long fence with a road and another forest on the other side. 

"This is the road we walked on to get here" Anne said.

George looked right and then left. She nodded when she saw the big stick Timmy tried to pick up on the way to the campsite. Abruptly, a stick snapped behind them. They all saw a figure and ran after it. Anne mostly out of fear of being alone in the forest. The figure ran so fast that after twenty seconds of chasing it, they had lost it.

The six stopped, looking around to see if they could see it again but no luck. Being so in the moment, George clenched her fist and hit a tree, immediately regretting it. The six head back to campsite, agreeing that maybe the person would try and come that night. 

"Please master, I can't do it! Now the children know that I was in the forest. They chased me and that stupid dog tried to bite my leg!" A voice exclaimed.

"Nonsense. Anyway you have no choice so tonight you must get me the necklace!" The master said, anger building up inside of him.             

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