The night before

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"Can you hear that?" Julian asked his brother.

He had sworn he'd heard his name being called. Dick shook his head but still listened. Both boys widened their eyes as they heard faint calls of their names. They forgot about searching for this black figure and listened closer. Dick recognised the voices belonged to George and Cassia.

"Cassia!" Dick yelled, alarmed. 

The two boys ran back the way the came, yelling the two girls' names. The girls' voices became more clear the nearer they came to the rock, where they had first seen this black figure. As the boys passed the rock, the girls came into sight. Dick ran faster than ever towards Cassia, after hearing the terrified sound in her voice. Cassia and Dick ran into a hug, knocking each other to the ground. Dick pulled Cassia closer as she began to cry. 

"What's wrong love?" He asked her. 

All Cassia could do right now was pass him the letter her mother sent her. Dick read the letter while placing his hand on the middle of her back, making sure she was as close to him as possible. George was explaining what the letter had said to Julian while Dick read the letter. Both were frightened as they were told but managed to keep it in as Anne was there, not wanting to scare her by this situation. Anne was too out of breath to question what was happening that she just knelt on the sand.

Julian had recommended that they all went home, so they did. When they got home, they all sat in George's room, also where Anne and Cassia were sleeping, and discussed whether they should go camping tomorrow. Julian thought it was best not to as they black figure had seen them at the ice cream parlour and, most likely, had followed them home. George thought they ought to go on the camping trip as they had been in God knows how many dangerous adventures they had been in. Dick agreed with George but he didn't want Cassia to be in danger as she was his girlfriend after all. Anne just didn't like any of the adventures they went on and wanted to stay at Kirrin Cottage where they were safe. Cassia was actually quite excited by this strange event and wanted to solve this mystery. Timmy, in all honesty, didn't care where he went as long as he was with his owner. After a bit of George and Cassia persuading Julian, Dick and Anne, they agreed to go tomorrow. 

"Yaaaayyyyy!" George and Cassia cheered.

The two boys shook their heads and chuckled by the two girls excitement not realising Anne's face of worry and fear. She really did not want to go on this camping trip as the letter had specifically warned them not to. Worst case scenarios were taking over her mind and terrifying the young girl. Her thought were quickly interrupted by the six being called down to lunch. Anne's legs were shaking a little too much that she couldn't get up so Julian had to haul her up. As they were walking down the stairs, Anne grabbed hold of Julian's hand, feeling safe in the comfort of the fifteen year old boys presence. Julian knew why she was holding his hand and gripped her hand tightly, but not to much that it hurt her. 

Anne did not talk for the whole of lunch, a feeling of uncertainty overcoming her. She barely ate anything either but knew she had to eat something as the others would worry otherwise. Julian knew Anne didn't want to do this but he couldn't leave the three to go out on their own because they wouldn't make any right and sensible choices and he couldn't just leave her here as she would get lonely. At least he could protect her if she was with him and the others. 

For Anne, night-time came incredible slow. She knew that she would have nightmares tonight, that is if she could fall asleep. Anne sat there, on her bed, not feeling tired at all and on the verge of tears. She didn't know what to do. She assumed that everyone in the house was asleep so she had no one to go to for comfort. Anne looked around the room, making sure Cassia, George and Timmy were asleep. They were. Or so she thought. 

The girl walked out and onto the landing, sliding down a wall as she sat down. She pulled her knees up to her chest and buried her head in the middle. She quietly let out the tears she had been holding in, her hair brunette, short hair covering her face completely. Little did Anne know, someone was watching her.          

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