Awful loss

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"Timmy! Roxy!" George and Cassia yelled as they frantically wandered around the house looking for their dogs. 

The three cousins - Julian, Dick and Anne - had heard the two yelling and came to see what the commotion was all about. When they walked into the back garden, they are brought upon the worried faces of George and Cassia. Before anyone could ask what was going on, they heard a bark coming from the front garden. George and Cassia began to run through the house, Julian, Dick and Anne behind them. The five are faced with an unusual sight: Cassia's father, Mr Stephen, pushing Roxy into the boot of the Stephen's car. George ran and grabbed Timmy away from Mr Stephen with a confused look as Cassia tried to push her father away. 

"What are you doing father!" shouted Cassia. 

Cassia and her father never really got along as he had a habit of cheating on her mother with other women. Cassia had once caught her father on a date with another woman. Not a very nice sight to see. The young Stephen was always confused on why her father always did this as her mother was probably one of the nicest people you will ever meet. The worst part about this was the fact that her mother, Mrs Stephen, knew. Her mother still stayed with her father which confused the child even more.

"Your mother and I are having a break from each other" Mr Stephen said, shoving Roxy hard as the dog resisted. 

"You're having a divorce?" Cassia queried. 

Her father shook his head and shut the boot on the Golden retriever, "Mere break"

"Well you can't take Roxy, she's mine!" The girl yelled.

"If I recall I payed for the dog, therefore it is mine" Mr Stephen shoved Cassia away, knocking her to the ground.

The five that had been watching this intense moment, ran up to Cassia making sure she was alright. George and Timmy ran after the car while Dick cradled the now crying girl in his arms. He felt the tears that were streaming down her face on his blue jumper, wiping a few of them off her face. Dick looked up at Julian, who was comforting their younger sister Anne, with a sorrow look on his face. Julian expressed a concerned emotion for both Cassia and his sister, Anne, as George and Timmy came back up the drive way with a look of disappointment in themselves. They had not been able to stop Mr Stephen and bring back Roxy.      

After Cassia had calmed down, George offered to go to the Stephen's home to pack Cassia's stuff. Cassia excepted the offer and George walked out of Kirrin Cottage. George strolled down the gravel path and towards Stephen's Cottage. The cottage had a little stairway leading up to the front garden that had been covered in moss, but were still visible. The steps were surrounded by clovers and bluebells. There were six blossom trees, three on each side of the steps, giving shade to the visitors of the cottage. George walked up the steps, taking in every sound she heard. The clunking noise of her shoes colliding with the steps, the humming birds singing their tunes and the leaves fluttering in the summer breeze.

George had got to the top and now walked on the slates that lead up to the house. Neighbouring the slates were marigolds, dahlias, lily stargazers and pansies. George stepped onto the last bit of slate and admired the view. There was a stone built wall, that went all around the house but the entrance to the house, containing lavender plants in the soil. Walking onto the gravel, there were two lamp posts at the end of the stone wall. The house was made out of cream coloured bricks with grey tiles on the roof. Hanging from the roof were rainbow coloured butterfly lights that were probably solar powered. George knocked on the white door and stood back, waiting for someone to answer. No one answered.

George wandered over to the flower bed and felt around near the stone wall. She dipped her hand into the soil and immediately felt the spare key to the front door. She pulled it out and brushed off the soil over the flower bed, making sure all the soil landed in the flower bed. She patted the soil so it merged back into its original form. Once done, George pulled the key up to her face to examine it. The key was a beautiful gold colour with a pink flower at the top of the key. She traced her fingers delicately over the key, being extra careful over the light pink flower. The curly haired girl walked back over to the white door and pushed the key in the lock. She twisted the key and the door smoothly opened.

Inside the cottage was like living a dream. George always loved Cassia's home and on the occasion was jealous but she never mentioned it. Entering the house, you would be first greeted by the living room. The room was a light blue colour and furnished with two sofas, three armchairs, a brown coffee table and a few lamps scattered around the room. George sauntered into the dinning room which had a large dinning room table, enough for at least two families, and six wooden chairs tucked under the table. Comforted by the silence, George scared herself by stepping onto a squeaky floorboard. Her heart beated fast, not knowing what would happen if she was found in the Stephen's house uninvited. Resting her arm on the table to calm down her beating heart, her hand brushed against an unfamiliar material. She looked down towards her hand and saw a piece of paper laying on the table. Cassia's name was written on the front and George felt an urge to read it. The girl picked the note up and placed it in her pocket, going on into the kitchen.

The Superior Six: The Famous Five fan fictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora