Band Au!!

449 10 15

Au: non despair where they all go to hopes peak but like its ya know not despair

Tw: yelling (positive yelling) mention of food.

Kazuichi tapped his pencil on his desk boardly, looking around with a sigh. "This class is boring as fuck-" he mumbled to himself, desperately waiting for the bell to ring. Suddenly he got a note on his desk that was passed to him by Ibuki. 'I had an idea! Meet at my house later! Oh and bring a bunch of friends! Like a lot of people! I already have some other people coming too but-' and then thats where the note cut off because she didn't have enough room to put all her thoughts there.

The mechanic shrugged and just gave her a thumbs up. The problem was, who would he bring? He could bring Fuyuhiko, maybe Hajime too, but that wasn't enough people. He felt himself glance over at Sonia and Gundham who were sitting with each other of course. "Maybe Miss Sonia could come with me!" He mumbled excitedly. He decided he would ask her after class ended.

Time skip to after class

Kazuichi quickly grabbed his stuff, unneatly shoving it in his backpack and rushing out of the classroom. He ran up to Sonia and Gundham, tripping over his feet a little. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath. "U-uhm Miss Sonia! Ibuki invited me to a thing and I was wondering if you-"


"But I didn't even finish!"


Gundham interrupted the two of them with a sigh "I will go with you Kazuichi if you need someone else since the dark princess clearly does not want to go with you."

Kazuichi stuttered "T-Tanaka?!" He exclaimed "You wanna go with me?!" He scratched the back of his neck "well thats new, I thought you hated me-"

Gundham simply shook his head "do not make such a big deal with it Souda, I just dont want you to be alone."

Kazuichi felt himself blush a bit. 'Why the fuck am I blushing?! Its Tanaka, I-I dont like him! I wouldn't ever like him...yeah yeah I wouldn't-' He thought to himself as he just blushed more "uh Cool Ill see you later then i guess we can walk there together-" He then bolted off.

Kazuichi leaned against his locker. "Great so now im stuck going with Tanaka-" He mumbled to himself "What does Sonia even see in him? Sure hes hot, like really hot, like really really hot oh my god-" He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. "Get a damn hold of yourself Souda-" He told himself. He sighed to himself and just put his stuff away back into his locker and got what he needed for design and technology, luckily that was his favorite class, one he was actually really good at.

The end of the school day

Kazuichi waited outside the school , he was going to walk to Ibuki's with just Gundham since Fuyuhiko was already walking there with Peko. He hummed verbatim quietly as he waited for the breeder. The cool breeze of air hit his skin and he shivered a bit.

"Would you like to burrow my scarf?" Gundham asked softly, basically just appearing behind Kazuichi.

This made Souda jump "geez! You really know how to sneak up on a guy!" He felt his face heat up again with blush."You sure you'd let me touch your scarf? Aren't your rodents in it?"

Gundham inhaled "tHEY ARE NOT RODENTS THEY ARE DAKR DEVAS-" He sighed and calmed himself down "and I would hold them instead if you wanted it, you seemed cold."

The mechanic shrugged in reply "I mean yeah it is kinda cold.." Suddenly he feld Gundham wrapping his scarf around him, his face turned crimson apon that.

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