A crush

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A/N : Happy Pride Month! I hope you're all doing well!!

Gundham's pencil ran across his paper as he attempted to write notes for the class they were currently in. Yet he couldn't help himself when he kept glancing up to look at a certain mechanic who was sitting across the room. He didn't understand why he was so distracted by a mortal like him, and yet, he couldn't take his eyes off Kazuichi.

"Gundham? You alright?" Sonia asked sweetly from next to him. Gundham cleared his throat and quickly stopped glancing at him "uhm-yes of course I am fine, why do you ask?"

The princess just shrugged "Oh you just seemed a little distracted thats all." Gundham scoffed "I do not get distracted, and neither do my dark devas." Cham-P perked up from his scarf for a moment.

Sonia laughed "of course I know that! Thats why I was wondering if you were okay, because you don't usually seem distracted." She paused "Well there was this one time where you were distracted by souda-" She gasped "aww Gundham! You have a crush! You like Souda!"

Gundham suddenly blushed, pulling his scarf over his face "I-I have no idea what you are talking about Sonia..." He went back to his notes. "I do not get crushes, ever..." He pulled his scarf up more.

She tilted her head and laughed "oh you have it really bad huh? Aww you should have told me! You should ask him out!" She smiled softly. "I can help you!"

Gundham could feel himself blushing even more. "I-uhm thank you for offering to help I suppose. But I do not have feelings for anyone, especially not him." He mumbled though this couldn't be any less true, he had had what humans called a crush on Kazuichi for almost a year now.

He wanted to know him better, no not just that, he wanted to date him. Every time Souda would talk to them, he felt his heartbeat speed up even if he was being a total idiot. Every time he smiled, the breeder felt figurative butterflies in his stomach. Gundham sighed to himself, he knew there wasn't a point, he assumed Kazuichi was straight, since he seemed to have a liking towards Sonia. And even if he wasn't straight, Gundham thought he would like someone else.

Of course, Kazuichi didn't seem straight the more he thought about it, he had shown attraction to boys before. Plus, of all things he just seemed like he wanted a partner.

Gundham hadn't been typically interested in romance, since he felt he was 'too powerful for romance with a mortal.' However, that was until he got this crush. There was just something about him, sure he was an idiot but at the same time it was sort of cute. He was emotional and sensitive, but that wasn't necessarily a flaw. And the banter they had with each other, there was just something about that.

He perked up as the bell rang, signaling that class was finally over. He quickly packed up his bag and walked out with Sonia.

"So...you do actually like him right? I mean it seems like you do. " Sonia blurted out as soon as the two were away from people.

Gundham looked away before mumbling "okay fine, so maybe I do have a little feelings for him.." He admitted with his scarf still covering the fact he was blushing. "I have for a while now actually..." He sighed "how could I not? Even I, a powerful being, have emotions too. "

Gundham exhaled after finally getting that off his chest "and no, I'm not going to tell him, it wouldn't go well."

She crossed her arms "Don't say that Gundham! It would probably go great, plus you have your powerful four dark devas to help you!"

Gundham felt a bit flattered "oh- thank you but I really doubt he likes me."

Sonia rolled her eyes "Come on Gundham, you never know until you try." Of course she says this because she had been watching them both clearly pining for the other for years without them admitting it. "You can even write a note if you can't say it face to face!"

He fiddled with his pen in his hands as he tried to write something to Kazuichi, yet he had no idea what to write. He huffed to himself and pet Jum-P who we sitting on the bottom ride side of the paper. He crumbled up the paper "hmph, I shouldn't get to distressed about this-" he mumbled. "It would be more ideal to tell him in person.." He huffed in annoyance, as he had no ideas on how to tell him. He didn't know if he could tell him in person!

Eventually Gundham uncrumbled the paper, picked his pen back up and tried to write more on.

Dear Kazuichi,

Hello mortal, I have written this message on this parchment to portray something to you. I seem to hav developed romantic feelings towards you, and even I don't know how to tell you that in person. I hope you see this and possibly contain the same feelings...

Signed, Gundham Tanaka.

Word Count: 873

Word Count: 873

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