Carnival Games

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Kazuichi ran through the carnival, holding Gundham's hand as he tried to find a game he would wanna play.

"My paramore shouldn't we go on the rides with the others-" Gundham started to say but then Kazuichi huffed "Rides are scary! They're way too fast, I'll like...die!" He said as he kept trying to find a fun game.

"Hey look! Tanaka! You can win a stuffed shark here!" He pointed at the ring toss and pulled his sleeves up "alright I've got this, it's metal rings, I work with metal stuff all the time!" He grinned

Gundham observed from the side as his boyfriend payed for an attempt at the game.

He took a breath "alright come on, I've got this-" He threw the ring missed terribly. "Ah! Well uhm I'll just try again, I'll get it this time." He frowned as he missed again.

Gundham sighed "are you sure losing money is better than going on the so called scary rides-"

Kazuichi crossed his arms "hey! Yeah! I'll be able to do it right! And the rides are scary! They're fast!" He exclaimed, no matter how hard anymore tried there was no convincing Souda that rollercoasters weren't terrifying. He just kept trying to win the stuffed shark at the ring toss.

After more, and more, an more, an more attempts Kazuichi just sighed "okay okay, fine, I can't do it-" He crossed his arms and when Gundham walked over he started "nah I don't think you can its impossible."

Tanaka payed for a try "maybe for you mortal, but maybe I could figure it out." He threw the ring and, it landed right on one of the bottles first try.

"W-Tanaka! How did you do that?!" Kazuichi exclaimed in shock. To which Gundham just laughed "Like I said, I am the dark overlord!" He handed Kazuichi the stuffed shark. "Here's your shark."

Souda smiled as he held the stuffed animal. "What should I name it?" He asked. Gundham shrugged "whatever you would like." Souda shrugged "I'll give him a name later, thanks Gundham." He kissed his cheek and then ran off to find something else to do.

Gundham froze, stuttering as his face lit up with blush, he pulled his scarf up and followed Souda. "Kazuichi! Wait up!" He ran up to him still flustered. "Well I got you your stuffed animal, so what do we do now?"

He just shrugged in reply "I dunno, there's a ferris wheel-"

Gundham smirked "really? You're not scared of that?" He teased. Kazuichi scoffed "Hey hey hey! Im not! Even though it is really high up-" His voice cracked a bit.

Gundham chuckled "alright if you aren't scared of heights then we can go on that one right?"

Time skip to when they're on it brought to you by me, the author.

Kazuichi gripped onto the edge as they stopped at the top of the ferris wheel. Gundham laughed a bit "you sure you aren't a least a little scared mortal? Well even if you aren't,dont worry its just height. And I am here with you. " He stated

Souda smiled, letting himself let go of the edge slowly. "Yeah, I guess you've got a point." The cool breeze of the wind blew his hair out of his face. He looked around "and its kinda pretty up here." He leaned his head on Gundham's shoulder as they both admired the scenery.

Word Count : 576

Word Count : 576

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