Happy Birthday

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A/N : Its June 29th you know what that means. Kazuichi's birthday!!!

Gundham sighed annoyedly "Can you fiends please get it together, he's going to be here soon and it's supposed to be a surprise." He announced to everyone who was there. Since it was his boyfriend's birthday, he wanted to do something for him, more than just get him a gift. So with Sonia's help he set up a surprise birthday party for Souda.

Despite what he put off, he cared about Kazuichi, quite a lot even. It was an odd feeling, Gundham didn't really understand it how for such a long time he could love a mortal like him so long. But alas, they had been dating for almost a year now.

Gundham had tried to invite all of Kazuichi's friends, which wasn't that many people, but he invited who would be interested in coming. Hajime, Fuyuhiko, Ibuki, and Sonia since she helped him with the idea.

Ibuki however was being extremely loud and excited, of course that made sense for Ibuki but this was supposed to be a surprise and her being this eager since the day Gundham informed her about this made it extra difficult to keep that surprise.

"Mioda please for Souda's own sake be quieter he's supposed to be here in 5 minutes and if you keep screaming it won't be a surprise." Gundham informed her.

Ibuki stopped putting up streamers for a moment "oh! Ibuki's sorry, shes just really really really really happy for Kazuichi!" She exclaimed and then continued putting up the last of the decorations.

Once Ibuki finished with that Sonia clapped "okay okay everyone hide he's going to be here soon!" She said and turned the lights off as she ran to her hiding spot with Gundham. "Thank you uhm for helping me with this idea Sonia.." Gundham mumbled thankfully. Sonia grinned in reply "oh stop you should take all the credit."

They all sat there waiting excitedly before the light slowly turned on and everyone jumped up.

"Happy Birthday Souda!!" They all exclaimed excitedly, to which at first this literally made Kazuichi scream bc he doesn't like jump scares, but after he contained himself from that he smiled. "Holy shit! This is amazing! You all did this for me?"

"Yeah, of course we did dumbass. We're your friends." Fuyuhiko countered with a chuckle. "And plus it was all Gundham's idea."

Gundham's face darked with blush and of course he pulled his scarf up. "It was really no big deal, I am me after all so it wasn't hard to set up."

Kazuichi suddenly ran up to gundham and practically tackled him with a hug. "I love you Tanaka, thank you!" Gundham blushed even more and smiled "Of course my love, happy birthday."

A/N : im sorry the oneshots have been shorter lately, my mental health isn't in the best spot but i do love writing for you ill try to make them longer. I love you all sm <3

Word Count : 503

Word Count : 503

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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