PT 5

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Maya had a coffee in her hand and a white shirt. You had ran into her causing her drink to spill over both of you.

Maya: hey bitch watch where the fuck your going!

Immediately the rest of the girls are at your side. Everyone has thrown away their trash. It is traffic at the exit to see who the yelling was coming from. The boys were once again staring at you. A couple of boys offer you their jacket

Y/n: sorry

Maya: uh uh you ain't leaving this quick. Not without humiliating you.

Y/n: what is your deal with me

Maya: you are trash. You have no purpose y/n. You are just a mistake to this world. You ruin everything.

You felt the tears filling the corners of your eyes. You in your wet tube top. You gave her a stare as you tried your best not to cry, you held your tears and stared her down. Every single boy there was giving her a death glare. You let your head drop down slowly. You took a boys jacket next to You and walked away bumping your shoulder into her lighty.
Once you were out of that hell hall you ran to the bathroom. You ran so fast, no one saw where you ran to. You reached the bathroom where you sobbed your heart out.

Before you knew it you had runny eyeliner. You washed your face complety. It wasn't a big difference when you had makeup on so you didn't bother redoing it. You took off your tube top and zipped Seungmin's jacket all the way up, you didn't look to see whos jacket it was in the first place. You left the bathroom with a whole different attitude. Itzy was waiting outside for you. You walked past them and went to your locker to leave your tube top. They followed you. "Are you good?" Lia asked so concerned. "I'm out to get that bitch" you exclaimed, teeth gritted. "Y/n what makes you think this will end well" Chaeryeong questioned quietly. "This is what Maya has always been waiting for me to do, every time I walk away. I am not letting her push me around any more. I am not her playground." You said proudly making your way to Maya, not pausing for the other's words. You knew what was next in your mind. This was the time you were not stopping yourself, not questioning yourself, not running away. You walked back to where you had spilled her drink over the two of you. It seemed like most people were still there. Maya was in the same place where she yelled those harsh words.
The boys were still there surrounding the spill waiting for more to happen. You reached the hell hall. "Would you look at that, the cry baby came back. Awww thats cute you have pets following you" Maya said in the most provocative voice. This was it you were put up with it. You reached before her. She rolled her eyes "what are you doing, want something? Want a bottle cry baby?" "Call me that only one more time please!" You said nicely. "C-ry b-baby" she said looking you in the eyes. You gave her a glare one last time. "See I knew she wouldn't do an-"

You slapped her, you then took somebody's smoothie from their hand and poured it over her head. She stood there with a wet head, frozen. She cried "I will kill you Y/n, do you hear me, you messed with the wrong person" she warned you with tears falling uncontrollably. You waited for her to leave the hall and walked to music class.

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