Chapter Five

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Trigger warning: mention of abuse, description of dead bodies, mention of vomit


Dream walked up to Techno. He looked a bit worried. He tapped Techno's arm. Techno glanced at him, sipping his coffee.

"Have you seen Ranboo yet today?"

"I haven't seen him yet now that you mention it. Something wrong? Something you need to talk to me about?" Dream frowned and glanced at the students who were in the room. They were working independently. Techno had been walking around the classroom, giving students anxiety when he looked down at their papers and pointing at a question if they had it wrong. It wasn't a test or quiz so he could careless if he gave them the answers. Techno was just about to sit at his desk when Dream walked in. "Dream?" Techno waved his hand in front of the other's face. Dream flinched and looked at him again.

"Do you think you can ask someone to cover for me? I have to go check on something."

"I don't know if anyone's available since it's second period." Techno shrugged. "I can call Sam... Do you not have a class right now?"

"No. It's my prep period but my last class was Ranboo's class. He's never absent or late so I'm just a bit worried... If something happened to him, I might need to be late for my next few periods or take off for the day."

"Are you sure it's not because he's your half brother?" The class turned their head towards them.

"Techno!" Techno shrugged, sipping his coffee once more.

"Ranboo's your half brother?"

"That half and half freak?" The rest of the class started to mumbled to each other. Dream sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Techno put his coffee down harshly, earning a loud thump on his desk. The class shut up and looked at their teacher.

"You will not speak of this outside of this classroom. If I hear any of you say anything about it, I'll have you suspended. Am I clear?" The class mumbled a yes sir and continued their work. Techno looked at Dream. "Go to the kid's house. Just be back before your next class. I have my prep period after this one so I can go over if you can't find him in time." Dream nodded.

"Thank you." Dream quickly exited the room. The class all turned to look at Techno.

"So is it true? Mr. WasTaken is Ranboo's half brother?" A girl asked.

"Yeah. I found out about two years ago." Techno leaned against his desk.

"So Ranboo's last name is WasTaken?"

"No. That's Dream's mother's name. Ranboo is Dream's father's son so he has his father's last name."

"Why's he a half brother?"

"I can't answer that one." Techno picked his coffee back up.

"Why's Mr. WasTaken's last name his mom's? Shouldn't it be his dad's too?" Techno sighed, sipping his coffee once more.

"Enough. Get back to work. If you don't, you can finish it in detention."

Dream unlocked Ranboo's front door, opening it slowly. He walked in and closed it behind him. He set his keys down next to Ranboo's. He glanced down at the backpack near the door before glancing at the pepper spray that was on the small table near their keys.

Outrunning Death (Dream SMP School AU) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now