『chapter』 『¹⁷』

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"jaem, jaem, jaem, i have a very serious question to ask

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"jaem, jaem, jaem, i have a very serious question to ask."
jeno burst out loudly, causing the other to look at him with concern.

"go on then."
"how much more would it cost you to hack into another phone? but one that's nearby."
jaemin deadpanned.

"no because why do you want me to hack something for you again, i thought we were done with this. or did you get accused of something else on another phone."
"no i just- i just wanted to know..."

jeno trailed off. he wasn't sure if he had the confidence to say what it was that he really wanted to say. would jaemin judge him a little? would he laugh? well, there was only one way to find out.

"would it cost a lot for you to hack into someone's phone and put my number there."
the younger couldn't even finish his sentence before laughter caught up with him.

he laughed so hard that his face almost turned red.
"jaem, this is serious."
"no yeah i'm aware. very serious indeed. oh my god jeno don't be such a pussy, just ask for her phone and put it in or something."

"i wouldn't be such a pussy if i wasn't actually a pussy in real life."
the 'pussy' in question mumbled lowly whilst turning his head away to hide the faint blush of embarrassment.

"why do you even need her number? wait wait wait, to sext her?"
jeno's eyes widened.
"noooo, what? why would you even think that- what? to say thank you for getting the article taken down."

"ah. damn my criminal mind, am i right?" 
jaemin winked and caused the other to roll his eyes. the younger then continued to speak,
"but yeah, i'll do it for you. but only because i ship it."

"wait- what do we ship?"
heloise randomly burst into jaemin's (and now also jeno's) apartment, the lollipops still in hand.

before either of the boys could answer her though, she stuck the unwrapped lollipops into their mouths. cola for jeno, strawberry for jaemin.

"ugh- yuck, fuck you heloise."
"sank qu, sank qu, i try."
she bowed towards jaemin who threw the lollipop at her.

"ew- dude no-"
"at least now you know how i felt when i had to taste that disgusting horror to mankind."
"your saliva is stuck in my hair." the girl wailed as she tugged at the sticky lollipop matted between locks of her dark hair.

jeno watched silently as the two bickered back and forth, laughing at heloise's sticky conundrum.

"wait but no one answered my question. what do we ship?"
jaemin interrupted jeno.

"hm, the ship name is still under review but possibly... jeloise?"


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JELOISE?!?!? but rip heloise's hair 2021, poor hair didn't asked to be covered with jaemin's saliva

oh and jeno wanting her phone number but being a pussio 👁👅👁

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