The Return

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Alex's POV:

I took a deep breath and stretched. I was in the back of NXT Preformance Center, in Winter Park, Floridia. I decided to make sure my return wasn't a big deal. I was out of WWE for almost a year, due to a sever neck injury I sustained in a match against The lovely Bella Twins. I was in a handicap match against both of them, I was dominating the match mostly, then I went off the top rope and my neck bent in a way it shouldn't have. I talked to Triple H, whom was one of my mentors growing up, he gladly welcomed me back, but he wanted me to train and help mentor some NXT superstars and divas, before I went back to the main roster. The WWE announced that they were going to have a very special return on NXT.

I was wearing black skinny jeans, a wolf t-shirt, some black ankle top converse, and a black blazer.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our returned diva.."Jojo Offerman annoucened.

I cracked my knuckles, a wolf howled and I smirked.

"You're on, kiddo."Triple H said as he pushed me gently to the curtain.

I will face everything and rise
Never gonna quit until I die
Angels keep falling from the sky
I'll take their broken wings and learn to fly
I will face everything and rise

My theme echoed throughout the arena, the crowd was going insane, people were on their feet and roared the loudest cheer I ever heard.

I came through the curtain, and people were chanting my name.

"Please welcome...

ALEX PIPER!"Jojo announced.

I smirked, as I ran into the ring, and put my feet on the second rope, I did the metal sign with my right hand. I jumped off and got a mic from one of the camera guys. I looked at everyone and smiled.

"Guys, you don't know how great it is to be in this ring. As you all know, last year I sustained a serious neck injury, that I immeadietly had to go into neck surgery. I plan to make it back into the main roster, but for now, I'll manager some NXT wrestlers. Thank you all."I said as I smilled.

The crowd clapped and cheered. I went towards the back, many of the wrestlers congratulated me and slapped some high-fives with me.

"Nice job, kiddo."Triple H said as he ruffled my hair and patted my back.

"Thanks."I smiled.

"I'll introduce you to some of the talent."He said.

I met my long-time friend, daughter of Ric Flair, Charlotte, Bayley, Sami Zayn, Sasha Banks, William Regal, Corey Graves, Adrian Neville, and Hideo Itami. I was laughing and making jokes with them, then I noticed this pale guy, he looked handsome, he had dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and he was very ripped. He was looking right back at me, but he just gave me this glare, that I couldn't explain. My heart raced every single second that we looked at each other.

"Um, guys who is that?"I asked, as I pointed to him.

"Fergal Devitt, he wrestled in New Japan almost forteen years. His ring name is Finn Balor."Hideo said.

He crossed his arms over his chest and gave me this charming smirk.

I shooked my head and smirked.

Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's
Got me looking so crazy right now (in love)
Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch
Got me looking so crazy right now (your touch)
Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss
Got me hoping you'll save me right now
Looking so crazy in love's,
Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love.

I sang to myself in my head. Lord, help me.


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