The Club

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Alex's POV:
I went to my room with my dog Chief, I fell on my bed and texted my longtime best friends Savannah and Taylor, whom were also wrestlers for WWE.
Alex:Hey guys.
Bæ Savannah😘❤️💛💚💍:Hai guh💕
Alex:So do you guys wanna go out tonight??
Bæ Savannah😘❤️💛💚💍:I'm free!
Alex:What time do you guys want me to pick you up?
Taylor😈💜💙😂😍:I'm fine with 8
Bæ Savannah😘❤️💛💚💍:Same
Alex:I'll pick you guys up soon then
I looked at the clock, it was 7:00. I was too lazy to put makeup on, so I got my phone and my wallet, I didn't believe in the use of purses, and left the house.
I started my car and drove to Taylor and Paige's house. Taylor and Paige were very good friends, they were both from the UK, but Taylor was Scottish and Paige was British.

I honked and I saw her coming out of the house and she waved as she got in the shotgun.

"Ayee!"She said.

"Hey there, Skyrim Cop."I said.

We smirked and fist pumped, me and Taylor had a deep love for Skyrim. Taylor took her phone out of her purse and put her phone in auxilary.

"Mind if I dj?"She asked.

"Not at all, just don't put any crappy music."I demanded.

She nodded and smirked. "You'll like the first song."She said.

The song came on and I smirked. It was Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me The Horizon.

'Can you hear the silence?
Can you see the dark?
Can you fix the broken?
Can you feel... can you feel my heart?'

Me and Taylor sang. Taylor and I loved BMTH.

After playing various Punk Rock, Rock, and Metal songs we finally arrived to Savannah's house and honked the horn.

"Get in the car, loser!"I shouted out at her teasingly.

She stuck her tongue out at me and got in the backseat.

"So, where to y'all?"I asked.

"Um, I'm fine with Club 109 or Kharma."Savannah said.

I looked at Taylor and she shurgged.

"Kharma it is then."I said as we listened to more Punk Rock, Rock and Metal songs and drove to Kharma.


We arrived to Kharma around 8:00 PM, the bass was loud as hell and so many people were dancing and having a great time. My clique and I went to the bar and orders some drinks.

"To being single, ladies~!"Taylor exclaimed as she held her Smirkoff.

Savannah held her coke with lime and I held my cherry coke, we all clanged our glasses together and drank. I looked at Savannah, she looked pale, which is weird because she is slightly dark skinned.

"Savannah, what's wrong?"I asked as raised a brow and looked at her.

She pointed to the entrance of the club.

Oh shit.

It was my ex.

Kyle Christopher Levesque.

The son of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon.

Kyle and I dated in high school, I fell hard for Kyle. I cared a lot about him, and developed a lot of feelings for him over time, but he broke my heart and called me a heartless bitch and slut. He was known at school for being named 'big nose' which he inherited from Triple H. Kyle was with his friends Joey, and Sam. I didn't know Joey, me and him had very brief conversations, but never were friends. Sam however, God, Sam was perfect. I wanted to date him, but he had a girlfriend and really didn't feel the same about me. I looked at them and looked my lips, then Kyle and I made eye-contact, I immediately looked away and drank my soda.

"Alex, he's coming!"Taylor whispered in my ear.

I straightened my posture.

"Hey, Al."Big-nosed said as he poked me.

I rolled my eyes. "What the hell do you want big-nose?"I asked as I ignored him, drinking my soda.

"I wanna talk to you, privately."He said.

I laughed. "You wish, asshole."I said, as I gently pushed him away from me and went to the dancefloor, I was going to the dancefloor because I wanted to get lost in the crowd so he wouldn't find me and so he would leave me alone. I was in the center, when I felt his hand pull me closer to him.

"Don't fight it, Al. I just wanna talk."He said.

His hand gripped on my wrist, I tried to break free, but then he came.

Finns POV

"Excuse me, sir."I said as I looked at the big-nosed freak gripping on Alex's hand.

"What the hell do you want?"He asked rudely.

"Mind letting go of, Alex. You have no business with her, and she certainly has no business with you."I replied.

"I don't take orders from you or anybody else."He growled, he turned his gaze to Alex.

This little shit pissed me off. I turned him towards me, balled up all my anger in my right fist, and punched him right in his big-ass nose. As soon as I punched him his two goons came at me and tried to take me out. I heard Alex scream, then the bouncers came and kicked myself and the other hooligans out of the club. The bouncers threw me into the back parking lot.

"Don't come back."They warned and went back inside.

I growled and got up, damn I just fucked up my jeans. I observed my left knee and how it had a big tear in it, as I observed my knee, Alex came.

"Finn? Are you alright?"She asked, she looked absolutely mortified.

I got up slowly, to show that I was not weak in the slightest. "I'm fine, thanks for asking Ms.Piper."I said, with a warm smile.

"Thanks for punching my ex back there, you didn't have to."She said.

"Hey, he had no business with you, I did what any other friend would do."I replied.

She laughed and smiled. Damn, her smile was so beautiful, then her smile turned into a frown.

"Finn, you're bleeding!"She exclaimed as she walked to me and examined me.

"I am?"I asked being surprised.

"Yea, lemme take you to my house, I can patch this up."She said.


//Omg, thank y'all for already 100+ reads love it <3!

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