Gentle Warning

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Alex and I walked towards the back with her in my arms. Surprisingly, not that many people were murmering things about us dating, and other shit. I put Alex down on a crate and just smiled into her amazing brown eyes. If there was one thing I loved about Alex it was her eyes. Her eyes just held me in a trace, that I just couldn't look away.

"You did good out there."I said with a smile.

"Wow, Fergal. That's all you can think of!" I thought to myself.

"Well, thank you for saving me."She replied.

"How's your neck?"I asked.

"It's fine."She replied.

I gently put my hand on her neck, her neck was so soft.

"Fergal?"She asked.

"Shh."I told her as I placed a trail of kisses on her neck, and sucked on her neck, resulting in giving her a hickie. She moaned and played with my hair.

"Fergal.."She said softly.


"Um...I need to go.."She said.

"Can I walk you out?"

"Sure."She nodded as she got off the crate and walked to her locker room and changed. I ran to my locker room and put some shorts on, then went back to her locker. She came out wearing a shirt, shorts and converse.

"Ready?"I asked.

She nodded and we walked to her blue 2010 Mustang.

"Thanks Fergal."She said, then drove off.

I was puzzled. Why did she drive off in such a hurry? I walked back into the building.

"Hey!"Someone called me.

I turned and saw him.

Kyle Christoper Levesque.

The asshole.

"May I help you?"I asked.

"No, but however you can do me a favor."He said, as he walked closer to me.

"And what would that be?"I asked.

He laughed. "Stay away from Alex."He said.

I tilted my head and looked at him in confussion. "Excuse me?'

"You heard me."He said.

"Boy, I have been all over the world, and I know Alex has no intrest in you."I replied.

"Stay away from her."He ordered again.

"Or else?"I asked.

He smirked, then two of his 'bodyguards' Sam and Joey, punched me in the gut and started kicking me violently, while Kyle stood there laughing as if I was dying. I tried to get up, but every time I got up they kicked me down.

"You see Fergal, Alex is mine. She may not think so, but she is."He said as he bent down to talk to me.

"She's not gonna believe you you little shit!"I exclaimed as I gritted my teeth.

"Sam."He said.

The boy Sam looked at me and kicked me as hard as he could in my gut, once he kicked me I began to cough up blood.

"She will, she's stupid enough to. Also, if you tell my dad, he won't believe you, he believes more over blood than he does water."Kyle said, as he looked at me and patted my head.

"I'll get you, brat!"I yelled.

He laughed and got up with his dogs. "Oh, and consider this a gentle warning."He said with a sinister voice and left.


I arrived home at 10:30 PM, I think everyone was asleep. I slowly crept to my room, but then a light turned on in the study.

"Alex."I heard my dad call.

"Yes, dad?"I answered innocently.

"Come here."He ordered.

I reluctantly went into the office and sat down in a chair that was facing towards him.

"Tell me, what's word on the street in NXT?"He asked.

"Nothing."I said, shaking my head.

"Just that Fergal kissed me." I told myself in my head.

"Nothing?"He asked, raising a brow.

"Mmmh."I said, shaking my head.

"How's managing Fergal?"He asked, as he drank some Scotch.

"It's good."I said with a smile.

"You and him aren't doing anything?"He asked.

"No sir."I said.

He sighed. "Alex, I want what's best for you. I want our Piper line to be successful and great, hopefully greater than the damn McMahons."He said.

"Yes sir."I said.

He stood up. "Come on, let's go to bed."He said as he kissed my forehead.

I walked to my room, showered and went to bed, I texted Fergal.




Five minutes later.


Alex:Hey, you okay?


Ten minutes later.


Alex:Text me soon.


Thirty minutes later.


Alex:Fergal, please be okay.


I put my phone down and head on my pillow. Maybe his phone went dead. I closed my eyes and sleeped, hoping Fergal was ok.


Thank you all for all the love and everything! I hope you all are enjoying this! Raise your hand if you hate Kyle and his stupid ass crew.

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