Chapter 1: Sorry

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Nothing was left. It was all gone. Everything. After all the work the young blonde had put into it all. And it's just gone.

"Tommy," the masked man towered over him. "It's time for you to start over."

"Why?" Tommy hated how his voice wavered. But more so he feared pushing Dream even farther. If he could blow up all of Logstedshire, who knows what he'd do now. "B-but Dream. I-"

"I mean I thought we were friends," Dream cut him off with no emotion. No anger, no grief. "I thought we were-"

"Nononono, we are!" Tommy interrupted frantically. "Please, you're not-no. You're my best friend! You're my best friends. Yeah?"

Before the kid could question his own words, Dream slammed his foot down. Tommy flinched, his hand barely missed by the heavy boot.

"Tommy, you were lying to me. You hid things in a chest, knowing that they were things I didn't want you to have." Dream reminded, pointing back at the crater that was Logstedshire. "And you hid it so that way I'd never find it! Tommy, don't do that."

"I'm so sorry," Tommy whispered, hugging himself.

"You just have to somehow wiggle your way out and try and defy me. Me! For some reason."

"I-I. Dream I. I wasn't thinking. I didn't think..."

"You kept a secret stash!"

"I wasn't planning on going for very much longer!" Tommy admitted, remembering staring down at lava. "I-I mean I'm- look at me man."

Dream tilted his head taking in the ragged clothing. The dirt and grim covered in a fresh coat of soot. He noted the bruises and new burns scattered across his older scars. Taking it all in but not really caring as he knew Tommy deserved it all. If Tommy would just listen, give up, he wouldn't have to punish him.

"I'm just-and it's not your fault, it's not! It's just because you know-its my, my fault. It's my fault. It's because I've been doing this," Tommy waves his hands around, and settles on gesturing to himself. "For so long... you know what-it wasn't-"

"Tommy," Dream stopped him, always butting in before Tommy could undo even the smallest bit of his hard work. "You wouldn't. You would never, actually..."

It left a dark pit in his core. One Dream wouldn't admit to, obviously, but as he made a cutting motion at his neck he paused. Wondering if he'd push Tommy too far. Did he need to dial up the 'friendship' and lower his abuse? No, if he stopped Tommy would heal. Recover enough to be resistant. Or in worse case, actually go through with it. No, Dream had to make sure he didn't let up, but he had to prevent Tommy from just killing himself.

"You know," he finished, feeling pride as Tommy immediately averted his gaze as they made eye contact. That was all the reassurance he needed. "You were here a very long time Tommy. I think we need to change how things are going to be."


"You heard me, how about this: No more visitors. No more storage."

"You, you can't."



"You are alone!" Dream spat. "Tommy, think about all that you just did. Do you really expect me to just let you go unpunished? You know I can't do that."

"I, I'm, I'm alone," Tommy repeated.

"Well yeah," Dream hummed looking around. He couldn't leave Tommy unsupervised, not yet. "I mean it's not like anyone was going to visit anyways. In fact, just to be sure we're leaving."


"Yes, leaving," Dream hissed. "It's obvious something here is making this all harder than it has to be. You keep disobeying me. So we can change that. Let's go."

"I can't leave," Tommy absently spoke, the tone distant, hazy.

So maybe the training was working. Too well.

"Tommy, listen to me," Dream huffed, grabbing his thin arm before he could flinch away. "You are going to come with me. And you will not disobey. Or do you really want to be all alone?"

"That's not, I don't," Tommy was crying, sniffling softly. "I don't want to be alone. Please don't go."

"Then come with me. I can fix this. I'll fix everything," Dream offered, pulling him along regardless of the answer.

But Tommy remained silent. Stumbling over his barefeet to keep up with Dream. They were heading straight for the portal. Dream didn't bother to wait, shoving Tommy through and following not a moment later.


"Shut up, Tommy!"

The boy stayed quiet. Good. Dream took out his flint and steel and some more TNT. Lighting it without remorse for the terrified screams of the boy hiding behind him. The explosion only took out the portal, so Dream brought out his netherite pickaxe. It wasn't needed anymore. All that would remain, the two bottom. Abandoned relicts, Tommy knew he'd never see again.

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