Chapter 8: Fixed

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Three months.

Three damn months.

And what did Dream have to show for it?


Nothing except a lost life.

Missing gear and equipment. Scraps. Fucking scraps.

If only Technoblade had been his end. Maybe Dream could've had some real dignity. Instead the bastard had him beat, out classing him with more ferocity than before. Each strike was potentially lethal and yet he stopped. He let Tubbo use Dream's own weapon to decapitate him.

Leaving him with nothing to his name. Worse yet Tubbo proudly marched around in Dream's things. And Dream had to rebuild. He was losing the war. Barely able to restock and enchant new gear. Getting away proved difficult.

Until he reminded them, only he could bring back Tommy. The threat was enough to buy him some more time. But with each battle lost, his success was growing further and further apart.

Today he finally eluded everyone. Not a single set of eyes followed him as he escaped into the Nether, as he stormed to get to Tommy. The fucking kid was the only thing going to plan at moment. But after months away, Dream knew his work would be cut out for him. And the trip there would be a hard one.

A long exhausting journey across the Nether. With Tommy it had taken 11 days. Alone he could shorten it to just short of a week if he pushed. Actually add a day, even he had to rest. But when he finally exited the portal he couldn't help the shout of frustration.

He still had to climb a fucking mountain!

This portal was fucking useless.

Thank prime for TNT. Setting off a refreshing amount of explosions was nearly therapeutic. And the faint scream of terror the first earned was a nice touch. Still he had to set a new portal now that the other was no more. At least he was finally here.

Scaling the mountain proved an inconvenience at most. Really he shouldn't have reacted the way he did. But clearing his mind as he dealt with his little nuisance would be helpful.

And there he was staring right back at him.


"Oh Toms."

Pathetic kid flinched at the mere endearment. As he was right to. Couldn't even handle the simplest of rules. That's why Dream was here after all. He knew Tommy couldn't manage on his own. Just by the looks of it. Wait, why was he so thin?

"Dream, it's, you're here," Tommy was slow to approach.

"Have you been eating?" Dream asked, taking in the rags and dirt. "Rules."

"I'm sorry," Tommy didn't even answer him.

The kid backed away though. Good he still knew who had the power.

"I asked you a question, Toms. We can deal with your lesson after you've told me the truth," Dream reiterated. "When's the last time you ate?"

"Weeks ago, I think," he breathed.

"Why's that?"

"I-I thought you weren't coming back. No ones going to come here, I, I am alone."

"That's right, you were alone, but I told you I'd be back didn't I?"

"No, you didn't. You fucking took off after beating me."

"Beating you?"

"I, that's not what I meant. I mean you, I, I'm sorry. I'm-"

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