Chapter 13: Surprise

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Tommy never got to wake up peacefully. This morning was no different. He was gasping for air as he regained his bearing, cringing at the loudness stemming from him. Glancing around for a sign, one he knew wasn't meant to be there, he found nothing.

Good. He was alone. Dream was still off doing whatever it is he does when he's gone. And that's perfectly fine with Tommy. It gives him the chance to only be paranoid without the discipline.

Yet something was off.

It had to be, because he could hear the portal and almost guarantee it was booming instead of that crackle he's come to recognize. But it's only been thirteen days. Dream wasn't supposed to be back. He doesn't come back that soon. No matter what. If he had needed to extend his stay that's what Dream would have done, he wouldn't just come back. Even if his last visit was short.

Would he?

Tommy shouldn't question that. He wouldn't.

So he turned to the growing fields and got to work. Trying to keep his mind empty with the distraction. Dig up a good plant, reseed. Water the area, and repeat. Just lap around it in case he missed anything. He always missed something.

He chanced a glance back to the wall, something about today wasn't sitting right. His stomach felt strange, like it was fluttering. Whatever he was feeling he knew if he kept it up Dream would get angry. Tommy doesn't want to upset him. He has to remember the consequences. Don't forget. Never forget.

Can't forget.

Not the pain.

It will come back.

It always comes back.

Then he hears it. The crackling hiss and pop of the obsidian portal. Fuck. This isn't good. This is terrible. Dream's back. He's early. Too early. What is Tommy going to do? He was supposed to say hello. That's right he has to greet him. It's only proper.

So keepings his eyes strictly pointed down he forces himself to limp over. Ignore the wobbly feeling, because it's annoying. Dream doesn't like that. He can't make trouble for Dream.

But he stops. Again the portal cackles. And then more popping. That's not right. It shouldn't repeat that sound unless more people go through it. Or someone went back through. Why would it still be making that sound?

Should he risk it?

Does he look up to check it out?

What if its Dream?

Is he testing him?

The sound continues, and Tommy can't cave the urge to look up. To see what's happening.

The sight is terrifying.

The wall is opening. It's opening and there's people behind it.

Its people.

A lot of people.

They're all looking at him. And the portal is glowing again and more people come out. What the hell is going on!?

Tommy doesn't move a muscle, he's frozen as he's been spotted. He spots Wil-Wilbur, That's not right. That can't be right. Wilbur's dead. It's Ghostbur. Yeah, it has to be Ghostbur that has to be the one in front of the rest. In front of Philza... and Technoblade?

Is that , is that Tubbo? Tubbo? Really?

And there's Fundy? Quackity? Karl? Is that Sapnap? No this isn't real. Why are more people coming? Why does Ranboo have scars under his eyes? How are all these people here? Why are they here? Are they mad?

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