Chapter 5: Friends

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Tubbo had spent a lot of his time cooped up with work. Whether it be official government responsibilities (that anyone else in the administration could have taken over) or his own personal projects. He needed the distractions, it was just too weird these days. Conflict was barely at a stand still, even with Tommy in exile. Philza was under house arrest, and Dream was always lurking around. If not him then one of his many allies and followers. His lackeys really.

There was always tension when Tubbo spoke to other people. So he left most of the public affairs to Quakity. He was Tubbo's new Vice President, if only temporary. Quakity was definitely good with this whole political aspect of government, something Schlatt hadn't deemed important. Often leaving Tubbo to do the paper work whilst he made the occasional odd speech. Really the man was more a figure head. Leaving a lot of burdens on Tubbo's shoulders, so his transition back into power wasn't all that difficult.

What was difficult was rebuilding. By no means was Tubbo incapable of it, but his flair of design didn't quite align with what he envisioned for New L'Manberg. In fact the process had been long and tedious. Tubbo can remember when it was finally completed. The area was beautiful and Philza brought back coral and fish from one of his times away.

That was before Quakity had brought up the Butcher Army. Speaking from experience, Tubbo didn't think the small group quantified as an army. Let alone enough to be considered a military threat to anyone. He let Quakity take on leading the army and found himself somehow ranked below the man, though Quakity was the founder. It was strange that as President, Tubbo more often than not found himself submitting to Quakity's orders.

If not Quakity then it was Dream. Never the SMP Monarch, it was always Dream who acted on behalf of the SMP. As the admin Tubbo reasoned the server belonged to him, but the further along they went the more he saw how flimsy Dream's title was. If not for Dream's reputation and skill, Tubbo would never have listened to him. Wilbur may not have revolted. Well, maybe that would have happened regardless. Wilbur wasn't one for the mundane.

Oh, how things have changed. After Schlatt, L'Manberg was nothing like its was meant to be. Whilst L'Manberg was built on revolution, ideological hope for freedom. Marburg was formed into a dictatorship through election and corruption. And now, New L'Manberg stood on relicts of the past. Like neither of its predecessors.

It was hard to rebuild, to keep a dead nation going. Work was always needed to be done. Never long before something called Tubbo's attention and his so-called leadership. So Tubbo wasn't at all surprised when Ranboo approached him.

"I think you should take a day off," Ranboo had nervously started. "You've been working a lot lately, and well, I guess I'm kinda worried about you."

"And why's that?"

"Tu-Mr. President, if I may speak freely?"

"Ranboo, you know you don't have to ask for permission to speak your mind. And you don't have to address me as President when we're not doing anything official. Go ahead, I promise to hear you out."

"Right. Well, I just, well I noticed you don't really sleep much. And the other day, actually almost everyday, we find you sleeping at your desk."

"Yes, I usually leave my paperwork for later in the evenings. If you didn't already know, I'm dyslexia, which makes it difficult for me to get through the papers as quickly as others. Though I manage quite well on my own."

"I mean, you could always ask one of us to help, can't you?"

"I believe in doing the tedious work myself, Ranboo. You wouldn't really know this, but Schlatt typically left others to do his work. Hell I was ran ragged and had to be a spy on top of it all. Poor Quakity, he was basically doing all the work and never got any of the credit. When I became President of New L'Manberg, I swore to myself I wouldn't be like Schlatt. And I don't intend to push my duties onto any of you. Not if I can do it myself,"

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