Chapter 12: Gone

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Tommy can't believe his eyes when he looks down at the death message.

Dream was slain by Tubbo.

That's, that's fucking terrifying.

And apparently Dream's spawn is just on the other side of these walls. Tommy can tell, because Dream's mad. Furious really. Pissed as all hell. Shouting as he slams the obsidian wall. Somehow it feels like the structure should be quacking at the impact but it doesn't yield. Feeding into Dream rage, which is terrifying. Maybe even more so that Tommy cannot see him.

As Dream would say, Tommy had the sense not to utter a peep. Silently shuffling past his shelter to wait by the wall. Wincing at every cracked blow, and not daring to look passed his toes. No matter how much his mind screamed for him to run he knew it would be pointless.

Worse yet, it would probably piss Dream off even more if he wasn't at his greeting position. He learned not to mess up that routine a few times. When he'd slip up and wasn't paying attention to the environment. How the noise would pick up, because Dream never let his present be unknown. Not when it came to reminding Tommy where exactly he was. Of the place he was forced to abide if he wished to avoid the agony that followed.

Though it typically came regardless. Tommy wasn't about to make himself an easy target by messing up. If it was in his power he would never need to be so focused. But now it was essential to his lifestyle.

One wrong moment could be a morbid sentencing. Deserved, most of the time. Because Dream only did what he had to. And Tommy should have been grateful. An utter load of shit, but Tommy wasn't going to say that.

Eventually the sun began setting, and Tommy's legs tired. Now most of his day was spent waiting for a man who was still out there lashing out. If Tommy was doing that, Dream would've called it a tantrum. So he definitely shouldn't acknowledge that.

Best to avoid paralleling himself to Dream. That always seemed to rile the bastard. Strange considering how often he would make Tommy mirror his behavior.

"Finally. You did something right for once," Dream's snide remark instantly halts any thought Tommy had of relaxing or speaking. "Hmm? Tell me, how long have you been waiting?"

"Since this afternoon," Tommy stated on reflex.

"Ah, so you were actually paying attention then. Good. Get me something to eat, and then we can start your lessons."

"Okay-I mean, yes. Yes sir."

"Do not push your luck today," Dream growled. "Hurry up!"

"On it," Tommy tripped over himself to run to the chests.

Hurriedly putting together a bowl of soup and taking out a couple of bread rolls for Dream. He didn't bother to grab anything for himself. At least he already had breakfast, he didn't need to eat more than that.

"Tommy, get yourself something too," Dream sighed, shaking his head as he stood in front of Tommy. "I've told you before, you can't starve yourself. In fact, put everything to the side. It's obvious you can't behave for long. And I actually thought you were doing better. Guess I can't expect you to be decent yet."

Tommy shivers at his gravelly tone. Speedily making a second helping of soup before placing the meals on top of the chests.

"Not even going to apologize?" Dream snarled.

"No, that's not. I'm sorry. I didn't, I thought-"

"You thought? What the fuck have I told you about lying to yourself? All I ask is for the simplest of things from you, Toms. Yet every single time you disappoint me. Why can't you ever be enough? Do you always have to be such a waste of time? I can't believe I'm still looking out for you. Its such a fucking hassle."

"I-I know, I apologize...that I'm, I'm so much trouble. I'm sorry."

"Not good enough."

"I'm trying. I'm sorry."

"You know what, I'm done with this. You want to stay a fucking useless nothing. Fine! Fine, I've got better things to do," Dream snapped. Throwing Tommy back. "There is always something better when it concerns you. You know that much, right?"

"I-yes. Yes I know there's better things to worry about than me," Tommy appeased.

"Then why can't you learn to be brief? Wasting time stuttering and repeating what I say when you talk. Don't you know how fucking annoying that is?"

"I'm sorry."

"No more storage."


"In fact, why don't you put it all in the pit? Go on, get to it!"

Dream didn't bother to wait for Tommy. He simply destroyed the chests and started throwing them haphazardly towards the pit. Not a total idiot, Tommy rushed to the thrown goods shoving them into the pit in silence. Tommy didn't pay any mind to the junk that hit him.

An angry Dream is a dangerous wild card. One Tommy used humor. Back when things were different. So different. All this conflict used to be simple fun, nothing serious. Until the disks. How could Tommy have been so selfish? If only he could go back in time and beat the living shit out of younger him. Stop him from ever trying. It doesn't matter compared to what he's been through.

That doesn't matter right now he needs to be ready.

Dream seems to be done tossing everything. He's approaching. With that menacing posture, flicking out some dynamite. But as he throws it in he takes a look around and sighs.

"Don't try anything," he reached down for the TNT. "I have better things to do."

"Goodbye, Dream," Tommy forced out watching the man close the wall up once more.

When he heard the portal swirl he collapsed. Tommy doesn't bother to move, trying to regain his focus. To listen for any explosions or a pickaxe. Looking for the cracks in the wall, nothing changed. He's alone. Dream is gone. Finally.

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