Chapter 4: Alone

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Dream was gone the following day. And Tommy was neatly repaired, and had wheat and beetroot seeds in his inventory. He wasn't happy to find himself taken care of. It wasn't a pleasant feeling to wake knowing someone who beat him had handled him in his unconscious state.

Or that his previous items were long gone. And as Tommy forced himself up, he took in his new exile. In the dead center of it all the small Blackstone shelter. Torches all over the place, leaving not a shadow inside. And his farm was still there, empty.

With nothing else to do, Tommy planted his seeds. Not caring whether it would look nice once it was grown. Just randomly tossing and burying seeds as he saw fit. He didn't have a hoe so he had to be careful. Without any trees he wouldn't have the basic components to craft anything he might need.

Then again, Dream's new rule included no more crafting. And no more ingredients. So he was stuck with nothing after he finished his farm. Really, there was nothing for him to do. He couldn't work on projects like mining or building anything. He has a pond but it wasn't even deep enough to swim in. And honestly it might be his only source of water until Dream returned.

There wasn't any livestock either. But after Mushroom Henry, Tommy wasn't even sure he wanted to get attached to another animal. It would be too painful when Dream inevitably killed it. Plus, meat was a luxury. He had gotten used to fish back at Logstedshire. But he didn't get much protein outside of that.

Occasionally when Dream visited he'd bring leftovers from whatever it was. Any meat Tommy might have had was always cold and tuff. Never seasoned. Sometimes even burned or nearly rotten. Whatever desire he might once have had for it was long forgotten. Mushroom soup was out of the question. Maybe he could have Beet soup in its place. If he had any bowls, or place to cook. Dream hadn't even left behind a furnace. Surely Tommy wouldn't have to survive off of plain beet roots?

"Well, that's fucked up," Tommy grumbled, wincing at the sound of his voice. "What the fuck am I so scared of? It's not like the bastard's even here anymore. He won't know if I'm talking to myself. I can talk to myself however I want."

Was it childish to pout? Who cares, no one would see him anyways. Tommy was alone. Just like Dream had said. He wasn't allowed to have visitors anymore and he couldn't get to the Nether if he tried. He was trapped. And it was his fault? That's what Dream would say, at least.

But Tommy can't be blamed for everything. He only hid a few things, he wasn't actually going to use any of it. He just wanted to have some of his things. A bit of privacy. He was exiled not in prisoned. They were different. He wasn't allowed back to L'Manberg or the Greater Dream SMP but that didn't mean he had to stay where he was.

So why did he stay?

Was it for the odd visitation that felt more like pity than seeing someone he cared about? Maybe the hope that it would be Philza again, or Tubbo, possibly even Technoblade. Ghostbur stayed on occasion but the reminder of the brother who raised him wasn't the best comfort. And he wasn't told he couldn't leave. He was free to explore and venture into the Nether. Unlike now.

He could have ran. But he stayed. Why? Why didn't he try to fight back? Dream didn't need to nanny him. He would've survived on his own. At least he'd be better than if he stayed in Logstedshire. Which he never even got to stay in the house, it was always tnret.

Dream... doesn't care about him. Because friends don't hurt you. Tubbo never hurt him. Not physically. Not until, until exile. But Dream's the one that made Tubbo choose. And Tubbo had to think about an entire country. It wasn't fair that Dream started pressuring him. The fucking bastard!

"Fuck. Fuck, I'm such an idiot!" Tommy shouted, pulling at his hair. "Why am I so fucking stupid? Of course Dream isn't my friend. He never wanted to help me. Fuck. I, I'm fucking stuck here. I'm trapped. Damnit!"

The realizations came at him in waves. Dream was manipulating him and he just let him. Notch, how stupid could he get?! Now he was prime knows where with nothing to his name, walled in on top of a fucking mountain. With only his last fucking life.

There was no way he was getting out of here. Getting down could literally be the death of him. And there's not many trees at the bottom anyways. Who knows how far he'd have to go before he found food, or shelter or fucking anything!

This was literally a dingy outdoor prison that he couldn't escape unless he planned on dying. Which wasn't a bad idea when he thought no one cared. But maybe Tubbo did still care and he couldn't risk hurting him by dying. Ranboo might still remember him, Tommy was his first friend. Philza already lost one son, could the father handle losing a second? Fuck! How the hell was he getting out of this one?

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