Chapter 2

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I've had many people say update and I've but pushing it to the side but I decided to update today I hope you like it.

Dean POV

I opened my hotel door and dropped my bag on the floor and kicked it to the side. I walked into my room and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a batman shirt. I got in the bathroom and stripped, I looked at myself in the mirror. Fans and my coworkers don't see the difference in me and in my life now that Roman and Seth aren't here. They don't see the difference in the way I walk talk or dress all they see is a lunatic fringe. Though most of them know I'm not actually crazy, no one beside Seth and Roman know me. Seth knew me the best though and the pain of loosing Seth was painful, but Roman and I were getting through it. But loosing Roman was unbearable, I always knew Roman might not like me back but I never thought he would shut me out of his life completely. I got in the shower and turned on the water, thinking about how good life was when we were The shield. I remember the day Hunter came to me and told me he wanted me to be in a tag team with two other guys. At first I thought hell no, but when he said it would boost us to the main roster who was I to deny the opportunity. I also recalled the day I met Seth and Roman, Seth walked like the whole world should bow before him while Roman walked with authority. Seth didn't like people much, but he was really playful and quite the jokester once you got to know him. Roman on the other hand was laid back, a smart ass who always had something to say, he sorta held everything together like a big brother. But when there was no team to hold together anymore, he changed. Seth and I's relationship was different then mines and Roman's, I was or am in love with Roman while I loved Seth. Before Seth betrayed us, Seth and I was in the process of being a couple. Though I didn't love Seth as much as I loved roman I was tired of waiting for Roman and Seth liked me. Deep down from the beginning I think Seth knew I would always loved Roman and I would always love him more than him and I think that's why he did what he did. I always think back to that day, like it was yesterday it's always fresh in my memory. We were in the ring the day after an amazing win over Evolution the night before, and Hunter and Randy came out talking about a plan B and that's when it happened. Seth starting slamming a steel chair into Roman's back while Roman yelled in pain, Seth had this smirk on his face like he was enjoying it. I watched shocked and in horror, and that's when he turned to me. He gave me a sad yet regretful look that vanished as soon as it came, and then he started hitting me with the chair in his hand. Randy soon joined him in the attack, but I have to admit Roman got the worst of it. I was taken out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. I turned off the water, dried myself and put on my clothes.I walked over to the door and opened it to see who was knocking on the door, it was Roman. Instantly I went to close the door,

"Dean please can I talk to you." Roman said

"No, leave me alone Roman." I said trying to slam the door in his face, I saw Roman's foot block the door. I pushed the door harder.

"Ow Dean." He said

"Dean please I know what I did was mean and wrong just let me explain something to you." I stopped crushing his foot and looked him in the eye. Do I trust him again or do I hurt him like he hurt me?
That's it for chapter 2 Lol I know such a bad spot to stop at. I hoped you guys liked it

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