Chapter 4

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Lol your comments made me laughed so much, that I decided to update back to back. Every one knows that's not the usual for me 😂😂 but I'm trying to update more often cause I really do like this story, not saying I don't like my other ones too. Well let me shut up

Roman POV

I can't believe he just closed the door, every time I picture this situation in my head never did I picture him not forgiving me. You know what this I why I don't care about people because they just turn their backs on me, I'm done with Dean. I got the the elevator and a flood of emotions washed over me, I hurt Dean to the point where he can't forgive me. The things I said and did to him were awful, I didn't deserve to be his friend, let along his brother.


Roman POV

I was sitting at the bar with Randy drinking and laughing up a storm. We were past drunk, and my attention turned to the lunatic and two toned men that walked into the club. I watched as Dean held Seth's hand to lead him through the crowds of people, I was getting angrier by the minute. They were about to reach the bar when Seth pulled Dean into his arms and kissed him, I let out a loud growl.

"Dude what's wrong with you?" Randy

"Nothing." I spat. Dean and Seth sat at the bar, seating in the two seats next to Randy. I stared hard at Dean, looking him up and down I'm sure if I stared long enough he would catch on fire. I could tell he was super uncomfortable, so I decided to opened my mouth and talk first.

"Hi Dean." I said still staring at him. He didn't answer he just kept looking around like he didn't hear me.

"Maybe you didn't hear me, Hi Dean." I said louder, getting frustrated. Once again he didn't answer me, it was Seth who did.

"Hi Roman." He said, I raised my eyebrow

"I don't remember talking to you." I said, earning a chuckle from Randy. Seth looked at me and then down, before getting up and leaving the bar.

"Why do you always have to be a dick to everyone, he was trying to be nice to you cause quite frankly he's the only person who wants to be nice to you or who can stand you right now." Dean snapped

"Oh what's wrong Dean, you mad cause I didn't respond the way you wanted me too or talk you as much as you want. Well I'm sorry if I'm not gay" I yelled. I watched Dean face change it went from annoyed to hurt, I could see the tears in his eyes. I snapped out of it when I heard Randy laughing

"What Ambrose is gay." He said, trying to stop his laughing. I watched as a tear escaped Dean's eye, he wipe it away quickly.

"I can't believe you Roman, you did not really just say that. After everything I've done for you, after everything we've been through, this is how you repay me. Well you know what you don't have to worry about me or worry about responding to me, cause we are no longer friends. Your just so damn ignorant and all you do is hurt people, where did the old Roman go cause he would've never walked around here like Randy Ortan's bitch. I may be gay but I'm no bitch, and I'm no sell out I've been the same lunatic since day one. So don't call me in the middle of the night when your sick or hurt or injured or in pain, don't call me in the morning when your hung over and need someone to help you and give you medicine, you can let your new owner do that for you cause as of now I'm done with you, I wash my hands with you Roman, or Joe whatever your calling your self now." He said before walking away. I've never seen Dean this way, I've never seen him that angry. I sighed and rubbed my hands through my hair, what have I done.

"Let's go." I said to Randy, getting off the bar stool and walking to the parking lot. The next day I woke up with a massive hangover, my head was pounding. To make it worse we had Raw later tonight. The day seemed to go by super slow, but soon enough it was time to drive to the arena. When we got there Randy dragged my to the dining area. I crossed my arms and put my head down on the table, I popped my head up when I heard laughing and things being thrown. I looked up and saw they were throwing this at Dean and call him names like Fag, bitch, and bastard, no wonder he didn't want to come out. I made eye contact with Dean and a wave of guilt rushed over me, this was my fault. Randy soon grabbed me again and we followed behind Dean to the locker room, I can't even describe the look on Dean's face or how he might be feeling when he saw that. They had spray painted his locker with of terrible names, his clothes were either thrown all over the place or ripped, and all his stuff was for the most part was broken. To make it even worst, they had took his boxers and replaced it with women's underwear. It was horrible to see them do that to him, they were all laughing and having a good old time I looked around but said nothing. After taking it all in Dean turned around to face us, he stepped in front of me.

"You want me to forgive you, but then you do this." He said weakly

"Dean I swear I didn't know, I had no part in this honestly." I said, before I got my whole sentence out he slapped me.

"Stop lying to me, do not ever talk to me again I hate you you dumb bastard. All you do is hurt me, or disrespect me I don't deserve this and you don't deserve me." He said pushing past me on his way out. I sighed looking around again

"Come on guys that was wrong what you all did, he did not deserve that and you know that. This is the last time, leave him alone now you got your fun you got your punches in so leave him alone. Because next time something like this happens I'm going to have to beat all of your asses." I said picking up Dean's stuff

"Okay calm down man we were just playing with him." Randy said

"Well now it's time to stop playing, because your hurting him." I said

"Alright we'll stop." Randy said and all the guys nodded in agreement.

"Thank you." I said, finishing up picking up and packing Dean's stuff.

********END OF FLASH BACK******

No wonder Dean hates me, I'm the one who started all that and I didn't stick up for him when it mattered. I was a terrible friend who didn't deserve Dean, he trusted me with his deepest secret and I basically told the world. I've gotta show him I care and I have changed, and I'm ready to build that trust again. I ran down the hall back to Dean's room, I stood in front of his door.

"Dean" I yelled, no one answered

"Dean." I yelled even louder

"Dean." I yelled this time my voice cracked at the end and you could hear the emotions coming out. I started banging on his door

"Dean please don't do this, please I need you." I said banging in the door some more

"I know the things I said and did were awful but please I was confused and I didn't know what to do Dean please." I said as my banging got and quieter and quieter until eventually it stopped.

"Dean." I said before dropping to the floor, that was all I had left I dont know what to do anymore. I just need him to understand I never wanted to do it, I never wanted to hurt him. I want nothing but to be about to tell him the truth about this whole situation, if only I could.

Well that was interesting, lol I found this quote and I love it, it goes: "Use the talents you possess; for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those who sang the best" ~Henry Van Dyke
I love it, well I hope you guy like this chapter.

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