Chapter 7

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Dean POV

"No just shut up." I said laughing

"What it's the truth." Roman said as we walked into the WWE arena.

"Roman your so retarded." I said still laughing, Roman joining me this time

"What's so funny?" The USOS said as they approached us.

"Nothing, Roman was just being a smart ass as usual." I said

"Really? What a surprise." Jey said sarcastically

"Yeah." I said

"Well what was it about this time?" Jimmy asked

"All I said was I figured Miz used Viagra, that's why he's always on Mizdow like that. Cause he's jealous Mizdow can reach his full potential without a pill." Roman said. Jimmy and Jey exchanged a look before laughing.

"You see I told you. Not to mention he said 'oh no wonder Maryse is always in such a bad mood." I said doing my best Roman impression. Everyone just laughed at me, I dont know what I didn't think it was that bad.

"You are all mean, and a pain in my ass." I said sitting on a chair in catering.

"You love us." Roman said sitting next to me, with Jimmy and Jey following. Jimmy and Jey were nodding, agreeing with Romans statement.

"That's what you guys think." I said

"That's what we know."Jimmy said, I rolled my eyes.

"Dean why are you always rolling your eyes, like if there were an eye rolling competition you would definitely win." Jey said

"I dont know, its just what I do." I said

"Well, well, well look who we have here." I heard. I didn't even have to look up to know who it was, his voice still gets to me

"What do you want Seth?" Roman said through clench teeth, you could here the anger in his voice.

"Nothing I just can to see how my ex bestfriend and ex lover are doing." He said and I knew he had his famous smirk on his face.

"YOU KNOW WHAT SHUT THE HELL UP YOU LITTLE-" I grabbed Romans arm before he could get up and gave him a look. I gave him the calm-down-he's-not-worth-it-he-wants-the-attention look. Everyone was watching us

"Dean let me go." Roman said. He was trying to act calm, but I can hear the anger in the back of his voice.

"No, sit down he wants this. He wants you to hit him, can't you see that. He's trying to get a rise out of you, Roman if I can control myself after how he hurt me, then you can sit here and control yourself." I said slowly looking him in the eye before looking down.

"Okay. Dean I'm sorry." Roman said. I just gave a little nod.

"Isn't that cute, of I didn't know any better I'd say these two like each other." Seth said

"You know what, why don't you shut the hell up and just leave." I snapped

"Dean." Roman said

"What's the matter Deanie, I struck a nerve." Seth said

"No but I can show you where I can stick my foot up-"

"Dean!" Jimmy and Jey said

"Look were trying to relax before the show and your just starting problems, so leave or we'll have to make you." Jimmy said

"Make me? You guys can't touch me. I don't know why you guys are so hostile towards me, I did what needed to be done you should be thanking me." Seth said walking away towards the divas. I thought I could do this but I can't I got up from my chair and ran out of the arena. I'll come back in for my match then I'm leaving, I thought as I got in my car. Fifty more minutes till my match, well that's exactly enough time to watch an episode of Criminal minds.

????? POV

"Yea boss, he just ran out of he Arena he's in his car now."


"Am I sure he was with Roman?"


"Yes he was and then they met with The USOS and that Seth Rollins kid joined them."


"Do you want me to grab him, he's by himself?"


"Oh wait Romans walking to his car, what do you want me to do?"


"Okay I'll leave them and head back to the hide out to talk to the others."

Dean POV

I jumped and dropped my phone when someone knocked on the passenger window. I looked and saw Roman, I sighed I knew he was gonna ask me sooner or later.

"What's up?" I asked as I unlocked the car doors and Roman got in.

"What was that in there Dean?" He asked looking as me, as I was getting my phone.

"I dont know I thought I could handle Seth, but I guess I couldn't after all. Seth and I had a thing and I regret it all the time." I said looking at Roman

"Well we all make mistakes, but I bet your one of the strongest ones because not many people can face there mistakes like you just did." Roman said putting his hand on top mine, trying to comfort me. I gave him a small smile, I was about to look away when I saw it in his eyes. There was something hidden in them, a difference in the way he was looking at me.

"Dean what are you starting at." Romans voice brought me out of my gaze.

"I was looking at your eyes they look different, are you were those contacts again?" I said trying to change the subject. Roman chuckled

"Yeah I am actually." He said laughing and I joined in. Though he was wearing contacts, that wasn't the difference in his eyes I was really talking about.

Another ????? POV

Roman must think I'm playing games with him. When I say stay away from Dean Ambrose I mean stay the hell away from Dean Ambrose. He'll learn his lesson soon enough, even if it's the last thing I do.
Whew what a chapter 2 secret POV's what is going on? What are they going to do to Roman. I hope you like this chapter, it took me a long time to write it.

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