Chapter 6

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Because I'm going to start updating my other stories I've decided I'm not gonna leave you all on a cliff hanger, so her is this chapter.

Dean POV

"Take you daughter, who's going to take her?" I asked sitting in the edge of my seat.

"Someone, look I can't tell you. All I can say is they don't want me near you, but I'm tired of ignoring you and hurting you. But I can't tell you the whole story I can't tell you what you want to hear, they will definitely take her away from me." He said, putting his head in his hands.

"Roman, why are you telling me now? All this time I've been asking you to tell me you could've told me, why would you wait till now." I said standing up and walking over to the coach where Roman was and sitting and sat next to him, as Jey got off the couch.

"I don't know I guess I was scared, and I was so focused on getting you back in my life that I wasn't listening to what you wanted." He said with his face still in his hands, I could hear the pain in his voice.

"Look at me." I said, grabbing his chin and making him look at me.

"How long has this been going on." I asked

"About a month before you told me your feelings for me." He said

"Okay, well listen were going to get through this because I forgive you and there's no greater combination than an power house and a lunatic. We're going to show them they messed with the wrong pair, and I'm not going to let anything happen to Joelle." I said, looking around for Jimmy and Jey but they were nowhere to be found. But I guess what I said was the straw that broke the camels back because Roman finally let his walls down. He burst into tears, I've never seen Roman cry and I never imagined it would be like this. I wrapped my arms around him, and he just kept crying and he was crying hard. I don't blame him Joelle was his life, she was basically all he cared about. I mean who does that who threatens to take away someone's kid.

"Shh Roman it's okay, everything going to be okay I promise. I'm here with you I'm not leaving." I said rubbing my hands up and down Roman's back, it always clams him down. After about twenty more minutes the crying stopped, I looked down to see he had fallen asleep on my lap. Not to long after Jimmy and Jey popped their heads out from their rooms.

"Are you two good now?" Jimmy asked, and for the first time in a long time I gave him a genuine smile.

"Yeah we're good. Thank you guys for doing this." I said look down at Roman, who's back I was still rubbing.

"No problem man, you know we'd do anything for you Uce." Jey said

"Really anything?" I asked

"Yeah." They said together

"Well in that case will you help me carry him to his room or rather we sleep here." I asked

"Yeah well go get some blankets." They said all to quickly. I laughed to myself those two were the best, anyone would be lucky to have them as friends. They really are true friends and their hilarious. The two of them came back with a comforter.

"It's all we have." Jimmy said

"Okay I'll keep him here on the couch then I'll go to my hotel room and come back tomorrow." I said laying Roman down and climbing over him. I almost made it but he grabbed my shirt

"Please don't leave me." He said

"I'm not leaving you, I'll just be in my room." I said

"No please don't Dean, I don't want to loose you too." He said

"Your not losing me okay calm down." I said sitting on the couch next to him. Roman then pulled me down so that his arms were around my stomach and waist area. I looked at Jimmy and Jey

"I guess I'm staying here." I said and they nodded and left to go to there rooms. I turned so I was face
to face with Roman.

"Is it sad that I'm enjoying this, I know your in pain but I'm loving this." I said tucking his hair behind he ear

"Well I guess I need to enjoy it now because it's the last and only chance I have." I said

"I can't believe I love you scratch that I can't believe I'm IN love with you, what did I do to deserve this?" I said, as I looked at Roman while he slept so peacefully. He always looks so peaceful when he sleeps, I kissed Roman's forehead before I fell asleep in the man I love arms.

Roman POV

I listened closely to Dean who was having a conversation with himself;

"Is it sad that I'm enjoying this, I know you in pain but I'm loving this."

"Well I guess I need to enjoy it now because its the last and only chance I have."

"I can't believe I love you I can't believe I'm in love with you, what did I do to deserve this." What did he do to deserve this? Is that really how he feels? Did I really hurt him that much? Is that what it felt like to love me? I mean Dean is like the sweetest nicest person in the world, which is why I don't deserve his love. He deserves nothing but the best there is to offer which I always tell myself I have to leave him alone and not play with his feelings, yet I feel so empty inside without him. I always leave but end up coming right back I wish nothing but that I can tell him everything, the whole story but I can't for my daughters sake.

Two updates in a day I feel good. Well I don't want to make this too long but not too short, I hope you all liked it.

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