Chapter 12

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OMG I'm so sorry, I am such a horrible person I did not even realize that it's been months since I've updated. Time just flies by and school gets busier and busier and harder and harder for me. But you all have been commenting and asking if that was the end of the story or if I was still updating. So I just threw this chapter real quick, I hope you guys aren't too mad at me. But I also hope you guys enjoy this chapter I'm definitely going to be getting back on track when it comes to updating more regularly and frequently.

Roman POV
I walked over to the nurses station with Joelle. Hand and hand we walked, Celeste aka Kaitlyn was there.

"Hey Celeste, do you know if my friend Dean is out of surgery yet. It's been hours already." I asked

"Yeah. I do actually, I was just going to get you. Dean has no brain damage, no spinal cord injury, and not heart damage. But his lung was punctured by his rib, doctors were able to patch it up the best they could. We won't know if it worked until later, because right now he's on a ventilator and he's in a medically induced coma." She said

"A coma?"

"Yes, but I can assure you he will be okay." She replied

"Will he still be able to wrestle?"

"I dont know that depends if his lung heals properly, but that's the least of your worries right now." She said

"You're right, are we able to see him now." I asked

"Yeah, he's right down the hall. He's in room 225, it should be on your left hand side." She replied

"Thank you, so much for everything. Honestly, I really appreciate it. You know we miss you back at WWE." I said

"Yeah, right." She giggled

"No I'm serious, you were a great wrestle. You were a power house like me, you had talent some of these divas don't have that." I said

"Well thank you, but don't you have to go check on your man." She asked pointing down the hall

"Oh. Yeah your right, thanks again." I said grabbing Joelle's hand again and headed for the door.

"Good luck, I hope everything goes great." She said giving me two thumbs up. I laugh and wave at her before the two hospital door could smack me in the face. We get inside Dean's room and I can't help but feel guilty the minute I step inside. He just laid there dead like, with his eyes close and slow breathes. He was hooked up to serval machines, and had many injuries. He had 12 stitches in the upper right corner of his face and in the middle of the top of his head on the left side he had 22 stitches. He's right eye was swollen and black and blue. His nose was broken for sure, it looks like John Cena's when Seth kneed him in the nose. He had a busted lip. His left shoulder was dislocated. He had 4 broken ribs and several bruised. Not to mention he also had a broken ankle. I never knew I person could get so many injuries at one time. He looked so broken and weak, nothing like his true self. I just stood there speechless looking at him. I cause this, this is because of me that he is hurt. And I, what do I get a scratch in my forehead a few bangs and bruises. I would do anything to trade places with Dean right now, anything. I felt my eyes water, but I had to push those tears back I couldn't let Joelle see me like that I have to be strong her and Dean. Soon, I sat in the chair next to Dean's bed and sat Joelle on my lap.


"Yeah baby girl."

"What happened to uncle Dean? How did he get hurt?" She asked

What I wouldn't do? (Ambreigns)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora