Chapter 9

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It's been a little while since I've updated, I've been going through it. But I felt I need to update so here you guys go.

Dean POV

"I'm leaving Roman, I can't do this I need time alone." I said walking towards the door, Roman put his arm out blocking my way.

"Dean I'm sorry, it was my fault. Please, don't go." Roman said. I looked in his eyes, and he was really pleading with me.

"I already have a room, I just i knew this wouldn't work so let's just, stop now." I said walking under his arm

"No, Dean. Stop, please." He said, grabbing my arm.

"I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything if that means you'll stay with me, I need you." He said and I let out a sigh, and turned around to look at him.

"Everything? Really?" I asked

"Yes, I swear." I put my suit case against the wall next to the door, in case Roman was lying to me. I walked over the the couch and sat down, Roman sat next to me.

"Okay, it's my wife." Roman said

"What about her?" I said already getting annoyed with this conversation.

"She's the one who is threatening to take Joelle from me." Roman said looking down at his feet, I stood up

"What? Why?" I asked, completely baffled by this whole thing.

"Well she had this crazy idea that you were in love with me, and she always hated us being around each other, some jealousy insecurities I guess. But I don't know, she would just get so mad when I would leave her to hang out with you guys or when we were on tours. She would call WWE to see where I was and who I was sharing a room with. She just sat around making up things in her mind so that she could accuse me of them later, to be honest I hate her I dont know why I married her she's crazy, she's the devil. She's even the one who blackmailed Seth into betraying us, she was holding Leighla as a hostage. She literally lost her damn mind, and she won't let me see my daughter. To be completely honest I dont want Joelle over there right now, not while her mother is acting like a damn psychopath. I really want to divorce her, but I'm afraid that 1 she won't sign the papers and it'll lead to a huge fight with a bunch of lawyers and 2 that she'll keep my daughter away from me for forever." He said and you could hear all the emotions in his voice. The anger, the fear, depression, and weariness.

"Well Roman, I can see why she's so over protective, I'm not saying that what she's doing to you is right, cause it's not it's 100% wrong , 100% awful. But she was right after all, I do love you and we spend a lot of time together, she's just scared. She's scared she'll loose you, she has every right to be, she's just lashing out, I swear. I'm sure if you give her time she'll calm down and realize your not going anywhere, give her time and you might be able to fix your marriage and keep your family together." I said, pulling the most realistic fake smile I could. The words coming out of my mouth were all like daggers to my heart, but Roman needed to hear them, he needs support right now.

"No Dean it's not just you, if she was scared she should have told me, that's what husbands and wife's are supposed to do. They're supposed to talk to each other if she can't talk to me about that, what will she be able to talk to me about? Plus being scared is not enough of a reason to treat everyone poorly, people have feelings and they deserve respect. I'm not giving it another chance I don't want to be with her what part of that do you not understand, she does not deserve another chance and I hate her."

"Roman don't say that she's the mother of your child and at one point you used to love her more than anything, that's why you married her. You guys are going through a rough patch like ever other married couple, you need to remember the good times you guys had. If you won't work it out for yourself, do if for me, do it for Joelle." I said, and I could see he was really thinking about it. Even though I was giving him advice I was secretly hoping he wouldn't listen to me, for my hearts sake.

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