Chapter 13

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Roman POV

This had been one of the most frustrating months of my life. I've been at the hospital by Deans side for 3 whole weeks, I only leave to go to the bathroom and get clothes, and even that I do very limitedly. It just like my world is frozen with out him, I can't do anything. I haven't been to work, and I'm not even in enough shape to take care of my own daughter. She's been staying with Jimmy and Jey at their house, and they bring her by as often as they can, in fact I think they'll swing by today. But who know, it feels like the world is spinning, but I'm just frozen in time. I miss him so much, I miss seeing his eye and hearing his voice, and his laugh. I still can't not believe he might not wake up from this, I mean it just feels like he's gonna wake up any second and have a snarky ass comment for me. I just can't seem to fully accept the fact that I am the reason he is here, I threatened Galina knowing she was crazy. Dean didn't even want to come, I made him come as a favor to me. It's my fault, the whole point of him coming was to make her upset, it was childish. Now thanks to my recklessness Dean got hurt, the love of my life is hurt, and is in a coma that he might not wake up from. I can't even begin to comprehend or understand why in the hell I married that women, she so sneaky and conniving. If it wasn't for Joelle I would have left her so much sooner. I just can't not believe she would do that, and especially to go after Dean. Kill me, I'm the problem, I'm the one who doesn't want to be married to you anymore not him. I can't think about this anymore, I'm gonna loose my mind and flip out if I do. I lifted my head out of my hands, and looked over at Dean. Even hurt and beat up like he is, he still looks amazing. Even though that's true, I can't bare to look at him knowing I caused this. I buried my head in my hands this is just too much for me, I can't take it.

"Daddy!" I hear, and lift my head.

"Hey baby, how are you doing?" I asked, faking a smile.

"I'm okay, I love uncle Jimmy and Jey, but I'm ready to go to you house daddy." She says sitting on my lap.

"Yeah I know, but we can't leave and go back to Tampa until Uncle Dean wakes up." I said looking down at her.

"Oh yeah, Uncle Dean. How is he doing daddy? Did he wake up yet?" How lucky is she I thought, able to forget Dean and the condition he was in. For her to be able to go use the restroom, take a shower, get food, etc, without worrying that the person you love more than anything in his world is going to die before you get back. I wish I could be like that, but then again I deserve this, I caused this I put Dean in harms way and he is harmed. Dean will never love me after this, he going to hate me. My thoughts were interrupted when I remembered my daughter was still waiting for an answer.

"Uhh he's okay, he's the same as you left him. So no he hasn't woken up. " I said looking at the ground. A few seconds passed and the room was quite, except for the beeping from the machines connected to Dean. I looked up when I felt Joelle wrapping her hands around my neck, hugging me. It's good she doesn't know how big of a monster I am.
"It's okay accidents happen, Uncle Dean is going to be okay, I love you daddy." She said kissing my cheek and burying her head into my shoulder.

"Oh really? Now when did you get such a wise baby girl? I love you so much, and you're the only girl I need in my life, okay? "

"Okay daddy." She said, as I laid back in the chair letting her lay on me. Minutes passed and the room was quite, not an awkward or bad quite, but a good one. I heard someone's throat being cleared, and for the first time I acknowledge the two men inside the doorway. 

"Oh hey Jimmy and Jey, I didn't see you there." I said looking at them

"Yeah we kinda noticed." Jimmy said

"Yeah." I said looking up at the ceiling, I had no intentions of leaving this seat.

"Hey Rome you don't look good, you should go get something to eat." Jey said

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