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Katniss Holly Everdeen.

Death cause: suicide

Peeta Mellark loved her.

She loved him.

Up there, in Heaven, Katniss was watching over Jade, Annie, Finnick, Finch, Perrie,Peeta, and all the others.

The funeral was full of tears.

But, when the time came, they'd all be together.

It was one entry from Katniss' black notebook that stood out to Jade.

And so she read it.

"Society bullied her. Yelled at her. Made her feel useless. Fat. Ugly. Stupid. Worthless. Useless. They spit words at her. Who knows, maybe they were broken themselves. But society didn't know, they'd miss her when she's gone. They would finally hear her voice. And that's enough to make them regret what they did to her." Jade sobs.

From the phone call the group had made, Little Mix knew that Katniss Holly Everdeen would be their friend.

And now she's gone.

And as Katniss always sang,

"If I die young, bury me in satin. Lay me down on a bed of roses."

And she did die young.

Always picking the prettiest flowers didn't seem like such a good idea now.

Because, If I did young.

Katniss didn't think anyone would miss her.

When she died young.

The End.

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