Chapter 9

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We walk through the busy streets. The lights are beautiful. "Beautiful." Peeta says. "The view is very beautiful." I quietly agree. "I meant you." He whispers, looking into my eyes. "I'm not beautiful." I mumble, looking down. "But you are." He takes my hand and leads me to the park. They're are lanterns and lights hanging in the tress and butterflies flying around. "This is so beautiful." I whisper. "Not as beautiful as you." "Please. Stop lying to me. Too many people lied to me. I can't have one more." I whisper, with silent tears streaming down my face. "I won't leave you." He whispers as he wraps me in a hug. He picks me up and spins me around. I start laughing--- Wait. Since when to I laugh. He puts my down, on a picnic basket and softly presses his lips to mine.

From- Pezza💞

How did it go?


Tell meeeeeeeee


Spill. Now.


Kitty. How did it go.


Hey Kat. How did it go.

I'm too lazy and tired to reply so I just switch my phone off, get dressed in my black pajamas, and go into the bathroom. There's my shaving razor, where's my cutting razor. I punch in the code on the cabinet and there it is. Perfect. I lay the sharp part on my skin and press down. It feels so good. I do this about 14 times and then dry my wrist and thighs. I walk over to my bed, turn the lamp off, and drift off into a suicidal dream full of nightmares.

Hey. I'm pretty proud of this chapter.
5 comments or else I won't update.
Thank you JJoephineMichelleC for noticing me. I Fangirled a lot after that. Anyways
Stay Fab,
Little Miss Roxana

"What do we have I lose. If I'm already losing you"

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