Chapter 12

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Katniss POV

"Write couple of poems. On anything." The English teacher says. I start writing in my black spiral journal.

"She puts her headphones in and drowns out the world.

She's a pretty girl,
No one talks about.

She doesn't say much,
No one really cares.

Until she wears short sleeves,
And they all get scared."

I'm pretty proud of that first one. I'm gonna write a lot of them.

"She paints a pretty picture, but the story has a twist
Her paintbrush is a razor, her canvas is her wrist.

She paints a pretty picture in a color that's blood red.
While using her sharp paintbrush, she ends up finally dead.

The pretty picture is fading quite slowly on her arm.
Blood no longer runs through her, she can no longer do harm.

Yes, she painted a pretty picture but the story has a twist,
you see, her mind was her razor, and her heart was her wrist."

These all describe me.

"Behind my smile,
Is a hurting heart.

Behind me laugh,
and I'm falling and apart.

Look closely and you will see,
The girl I am... Isn't me."

I keep the ink pen on the page and my eyes glued to the paper. Just pouring put my feelings.

"Don't you dare tell me I'm beautiful
Until you seen my scars
That carve my skin
And the blood
That pours out my soul

Don't you dare tell me I'm lovely
Until I completely shut you out
Because I swore to myself
You're just like the rest
And you'll get sick of me

Don't you dare tell me I'm flawless
Until you've seen break down in tears
I'll show you the darkness
That consumes me
And you'll run away

But if you
Have seen my
And darkness
Then perhaps I'll believe you."

Or perhaps I won't. I think.


An empty room, an empty girl,

Sitting silently on the floor.

Her sleeve rolled up, exposing skin,

She drags the blade and presses in.

The pain it brings cannot compare

To the joy she knows will soon be there.

It's worth the scars that never heal,

For just a moment, not to feel."

I think I'm done. I hand it in. My friend are gonna hate me for writing those.

Hi lovelies!
Please comment.
Stay Fab,
Little Miss Roxana🙊

"Boy step a little closer
Cause I don't think
You've heard these words before."

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