Chapter 10 »Socks × Blaza Chapter«

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Cover photo of Chapter by: TennisBoxed
Also I love your art OwO Its to COOL and AMAZING!!! >∆<

|| Blaza's POV ||

Walk walk walk- we were walking to the Hallway to go to Cafeteria. And now that Shroobz said that... I feel unsafe around him now- I dunno who to trust anymore! Meme, Tbh, Laff nor Socks!!

"Soooo... Does anyone has a clue on where's Cafeteria is?" Tbh asked

"Absolutely not. I don't know!" Socks answered

"And your the one who's leading the way Socks" Tbh replied

"Pfft- sorry" Socks said and luaghed

"We might be going around circles now Socks!!" Memegod added

"Pfft! Okay okay... Does anyone know where is Cafeteria?" Socks asked

"Me" Woolf and Shroobz said in the same time

"So uh- Woolf?" Socks said like it was a question

"Wha-" Shroobz said

"Yeah- I'm leading the way" Woolf replied and lead the way

'Great thing no one's curious on why I'm not been talking... Phew-' I said in my mind

"Blaza you haven't been talking" Socks told me and I wished I did said that in my mind -_-|||

"Blaza? Are you okay?" Socks asked me

(Me: I ship em' OwO Though I ship Socks and Meme too- Don't get me wrong. Both ships are the best)

"Uh, huh? Uhm I'm fine, I guess" I answered

"What do you mean 'I guess'? Blaza answer me properly" Socks told me in a worried voice

"Truth is- well uhm... How can I say this-" I thinked

"Say what?" Socks asked me

"Hold on a sec- . . . . Okay its like this- I feel unsafe with Shroobz now" I answered with the word a made so it'll be clear for Socks

"Uh-why?" Socks asked me

"His susing me! And you guys was with him- you too Socks. I don't even know what and who to trust anymore- Its so damn confusing!" I BURST the answer

"That? Uh-well Shroobz has a point though. But I know it isn't you. I mean why would you put us in such danger and horror? Blaza I mean- How can you sound like that? Well its possible that you can hire someone. But why would you? Its not like you've got a problem with us being around you? We've been your friends for a long time now. It has 0% that your the one behind this. So don't go n' be scared about Shroobz. Like he can hurt you or anything? And besides. Isn't he like in 'war' with Woolf? How is he gonna handle TWO fights? So don't be scared" Socks told me with high spirit

". . . . That kinda made me even more scared of Shroobz-" I replied to Socks

"!!! Uhm s-sorry Blaza! Didn't mean to make you more scared of him! J-just don't forget I'll never turn on you!" Socks confidently told me he won't turn on me

"Uh-how can I trust you there...?" I asked him

"I-i promise you!" Socks told me

"..." I literally have no words

"Blaza?" Socks called for me

"I-i still dunno" I told him

"You need time to think. I know" Socks replied

"What? N-no I don't need time-! I just don't know if that's true. Cuz' you LITERALLY just agreed with Shroobz! I mean. Is it wrong not to care about my friends SAFETY?! I don't even notice MY own SAFETY!!! You know why?! I'm focused on not losing you guys!!!" I told Socks with all my might

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