Chapter 32

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|| Tbh's POV ||

Uggh, I thought Woolf is gonna stop the fight like what I said..!

"H-hey, I-i'll just go talk to Woolf, o-okay? D-don't do anything stupid Meme!" I told Memegod and went to the direction Woolf go

"Crab's scared" Blaza added- And wait, excuse me...?

"Shut up! I'm just gonna find Woolfster!" I yelled at Blaza and went on my way-

Where's Woolf..? While I was finding Woolfster I bumped in to him-

"Ouch- O-oh Woolfster! I told you to make them stop fighting!" I yelled at Woolfster and stand upped

"You do it! I have things to do! I'm not even included on your stupid fight! Why should I even make you guys stop?!" He replied and asked shouting 

|| Blaza's POV ||

"Can we like stop this whole situation...? We need to find Muffin!" Socks shouted 

"yeah! We could stop! I don't need anyone anyways!" Memegod replied- Yeah you should...

Oh wait, what the f*ck am I saying again...!? Again? My head hurts like hell right now... Uggh...

|| Nadwe s POV ||

"Why didn't you told us that earlier? And when Muffin is gone THEN you told us? What's wrong with you Nad..." Joocie told me and rolled his eyes.

"I-i was scared! A-alright..." I reply to Joocie and sighed

"Mmm... You should've told us..." Joocie added

"..." I stayed silent-

I was scared let me be....

|| Woolfster's POV ||

"Why huh?!" I asked Tbh again. As far as I want to help you guys but. You guys are just making me mad..

Before Tbh can answer Dino came

"Uhm, hi? A-are you guys even finding Muffin?..." Dino asked us sarcastically

"No, Tbh wants me to stop Blaza, Socks and Memegod's fight... I don't know why me but yeeeaaahhh.." I answered Dino's question

"Focus on finding Muffin!!!" Dino shouted at us

[TbhHonest left the Game]

"Uh.. Great he left. I can find Muffin now" I added and walked away. Dino followed me. Its peaceful right now though.. Nothings happening

|| Muffin's POV ||

AaaaaAAAAggggGGGhhhhHHH... I'm so SO bored... His not doing anything...

He looked at me and-

"... Chains eclipse..." He said and snapped his fingers. The chains let me go, I fall down face first. Ouch...

"That hurts..." I told him with a sarcastic voice "What am I suppose to do here?!" I yelled a question

"Just stay put... Ah-oh..dang it" He replied and looked on his tablet- Uhm, his ta let looks like a Task Tablet..? Oh wait that's mine

I just sighed. Well I can walk around- I can't literally see anything I'm in a Void...

"Hey, where are you going?" He asked me and teleported to me

"Uhm...walking?" I answered like it was a question

He snapped his fingers and just teleported me back to them. I fell on the ground face first- STOP DOING THAT!!!

"HALLELUJAH!!! O-oh, M-muffin? Muffin!!!" Woolfster added he hugged me, hey I wanna get up first..

Woolfster x Dino(Glitch AU)Where stories live. Discover now