Chapter 64 «Pity Love»

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|| Dino's POV ||

"Just...please give me some space" That word kept echoing in my head as I try to forget—but in the end I still fail to do it—no one else can help me know what was happening to Woolf. Im getting worried, I dont even know why Im that worried. Maybe he doesnt actually like me.. Maybe he just said yes just to make me feel good at that time

Pity Love..

Pity Love.. It hurts me. It hurts..really..really bad.. Like I was burning in hell. Why cant I make myself smile? I keep on making mistakes in my stupid life..I dont deserve love dont I? Im just a random YouTuber who's stuck in a glitched server with a couple of friends, that I dont know if I can trust them or not..

Why did this even happened? I just want it to end. I want my normal life back..the my friends were just playing happily.. me and Woolf hate each other..that life..I want it.. I want it back. Why cant I have it back..?

I went back to the reality and stopped thinking. I sighed and gatheted my sh*t all together again and try to hide the feeling I felt

(Me: The sh*t isnt the poop or scat you know. Not this '💩' no not that XD)

I started doing my tasks one again as I started feeling a little bit okay. Memegod and Tbh then past by and greeted me "Hi Dino"

"Hey guys" I replied as I wave my hand and smile slightly. Faking a smile to friends hurts..

"..." Tbh stared at me suspiciously. I didnt know what was wrong so I just ignored it. But he spoke "Whats wrong"

"W-what do you mean whats wrong?" I asked as I stutter. How did he know? Oh wait, his a Detective......well sh*t

"Whats what wrong Tbh? Im confused as well" Memegod reflected my question as he glance at Tbh confuingly

"I can see that Dino is miserable. Whats wrong?" Tbh answered our questions and asked another one towards me. What do I even answer?! I—

"How can you see that—he seems totally fine" Memegod added as he looks Tbh even more confused

"Every smile can be a fake when it comes to us"

"What the fu—" I cutted Memegod off

"No his right. Its hard to make a fake smile" I added and sighed as I glance at the distance and sigh once again "The truth is..Im worried about Woolfster's condition"

"CONDITION?! DO I NEED TO CHECK HIM UP!?" Memegod yelled as he take his safety kit out

"Meme calm down. Well for now.. I can recall, we can see what happened to Woolf from Socks's CCTV in his tablet.." Tbh said as he pulls Meme behind as he looks at me seriously

(Me: Sus)

"How do you know that—" I asked as I look at him susly


"Im a detective of course I know that sh*t. Now lets go find the Spaceman" Tbh answered and pulled the both of us

|| Laff's POV ||

"Offly suspicious of Tbh.." I whispered underneath my breath. How does he know that there's a CCTV at where Woolf did he knew that..

I then heard something in the vents as I turn around only to see Muffin "Uhm, hi Laff"

"Oh its just you Mate. Hi.. You scared me a lil' there ey' " I replied and greeted him back as I take a small sigh or relief

"Sorry Laff. What are you doing here anyways?" He replied and asked as he leans his back to the vents walls. The vent then made a sound as he does that "Oop- I am not gonna continue my sitting"

Woolfster x Dino(Glitch AU)Where stories live. Discover now