Chapter 18

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|| Woolfster's POV ||

I used the walls to lead me somewhere but I can't really see anything. I don't even know if aim going in circles-

[-Lights On-]

Hm? The lights went on now? Uh-that was weird? Well at least I can see where I'm going. I turned left and NOPE! There is a Creeper! So I went right

|| Shroobz's POV ||

Well at least its fixed now-

(Shroobz fislxed the lights)

I went out of that room now and went back to Cafeteria. I sat in one of Cafeteria chairs. I leaned my back and sighed- Socks, Blaza, Memegod and Tbh came from the bottom of Cafeteria. I guess they went to lights?

"Hi Shroobz" Blaza greeted me

"Has anyone know where's Woolf?" Memegod asked

"Who cares? He isn't in Medbay when I last went there" I answered

|| Blaza's POV ||

I rolled my eyes and sighed

"If your don't know just shut up and don't say anything..." I told Shroobz

"Well sooorrryyy..." Shroobz replied to me

Dino went in Cafeteria-

"Hey Dino" Memegod added

"Hm? Oh hi guys. What's up?" Dino asked

|| Dino's POV ||

"Were trying to find Woolf, have you seen him? We know you were with him last time" Tbh replied

"Ohh, and no I haven't seen him. We kinda had a fight. In Medbay, uh-sorry 'bout that Memegod" I added

"Fight? What fight?" Blaza asked

"Uhm, that included you and Shroobz" I answered

"How does that includes Blaza? Ô-Ō " Sock

"Woolf was talking about Shroobz because he did shot me. And well then I said its not all Shroobz's fault" I answered

"Yeah! Its not ALL my fault!" Shroobz added

"Oh shut up Shroobz..." Blaza stated

"Co-continue Dino" Tbh said

"Uh-okay. Then Woolf asked how is it not all Shroobz's fault. My answer is half of it Blaza's fault. If he didn't flipped his coin. No one would got shot- And then we fight and I went out of Medbay and after that I don't know what happened to Woolf" I finished

|| Blaza's POV ||

I was shocked about that Ō-Ō

"So your telling me..... Your blaming Blaza that you got shot?" Socks asked

"I-it looks like that" Dino answered

"I hate this whole conversation- So bye" I said and leaved

Socks followed. We went to Security and I sat at the chair and checked the CCTV footage

"Blaza, are you okay?" Socks asked

"I don't wanna know more about Dino and Woolfster's fight. I don't like having fights" I answered

"Its not your fault. That isn't a fact" Socks told me

I turned the chair around and looked at Sock with a death glare-

"I know its not a fact. Now I'm just thinking that its just Shroobz making Dino say that to piss me off. And its stupid and pathetic..." I told Socks

Woolfster x Dino(Glitch AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt