Chapter 60

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|| TBVG's POV ||

"Why does it feels the opposite...?" Woolf added started to tear up

"His just uncomfortable.. Tell him that" Ghostly stated

"Ghostly said your just uncomfortable. I get the point that he said that. Your uncomfortable because your worried–that you'll say something bad. Your holding your self down Woolf. You should know, your friends are here" I replied to Woolf not doing eye contact. I feel like he doesnt really want to do eye contact..

"... Keep on saying that. I heard that multiple times now..nothing.. I MEAN nothing.. Happens..." Woolf stated with his eyes closed

"Because you dont try hard enough..?" I told him like it was a question

|| Woolfster's POV ||

I dont try enough..?

I mean.. I always say I try and still fail. Should I start not saying that..? Even though its true...

I sighed and gived a small smile

"I'll try to try hard enough.. At least for the hings I made in the past... Well.. It was nice talking TBVG.. Thanks for tge talk but. Im feeling to do some tasks now.." I replied and stand upped leaving and waving my hand at him

He waved his hand back to me with a sweet smile

After I left him in Cafeteria. I stumblef Juice in Security

"Hi Juice" I greeted him waving my hand

"Hm? Oh hi Woolf" Juice replied and grabbed his tablet connecting it to Downloads

"You doing downloads-?" I asked. Look, Im not great at making small talk. Sheesh

(Me: Forthwall has been broken by Woolf >:( Hmph)

"Yep. So, how are you Mate?" Juice answersd and asked looking at his tablet


"Your friends are here"


"Whats stopping you on telling us?"


"Not really that well" I answered shrugging while rubbing my left arm looking down

"Hm? What do you mean? Whats up..?" Juice asked worriedly glancing at me and putting his tablet slowly down making it light red "Oop-" Juice put his tablet back in front of Download

//Note: That means its losing connection with Downloads//

"I've been seeing myself glitch ever since I forgot what happened after I heard someone.. I forgot the voice as well.." I answered making eye contact for once I told this to someone

"Glitch you say? Well Woolf. In this situation with glitches and sh*t.. Its best not to stress yourself. And there's nothing to stress about right now. Its been a long time since the Glitch Man made contact with us" He replied and finished his Download. He then patted me in the head and smiled

"But I'm fully stressed, I'm glitching Juice..! That's a problem for me Juice!!" I replied and yelled as I looked worried

"Then don't think about it!" Juice yelled with a worried-mad face

"How can't I think about it!? I'm worried I'm gonna die..! I-im..I'm worried..I'll hurt you...g..guys.." I replied and started tearing up

"We won't be hurt if you don't think about it!! Neither are you Woolf..!" He added and hugged me and sighed

Woolfster x Dino(Glitch AU)Where stories live. Discover now