Chapter 71

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|| Joocie's POV ||

Me and TBVG was just doing our tasks around the ship because we were bored and we were waiting for Woolf to come back or call us. I was confused on why Tbh and Meme called Woolf. Like, when did Woolf started hanging out with the two? 

I shouldn't question it

|| Woolfster's POV ||

"So why am I going to need a check up" I asked Memegod as I look around the place not actually paying attention at anything at all. He didn't answered and he just stared at the Scanners screen while looking back up at his tablet. "..."

Instead of Meme answering, Tbh answered "Well, you are glitching. Meme and I want to know the reason. Like you said, you can't remember anything than you just glitching" 

"Oh yeah, well, I think, like Blaza. Were fine right now" I replied and looked at him as I stand up. Meme looked at me as I go back to my sit- 

"Maybe, but we still need to make sure. Just for safety" Meme added for my reply. I then nodded- And realized, "For safety" like Blaza, I have done NOTHING. So why "for safety"... Oh c'mon, I am trustble- 

"Are you okay Woolf-" Tbh asked


"Why-" Meme spoke

"Why 'for safety' I have done nothing" I said and asked both of them. They looked at each other and looked back at me

(Me: C L A S S I C)

"Well, just for safety if something bad happen" Meme said, and ran the diagnosis

Color: Black
HP: 44/50
Stamina: ?¿?¿?
Illness: ?¿?¿?
Name: Woolfster
Username: W00lfster
Name in Code: ***** Show

"Why does it looks the same from Blaza?" Tbh asked Memegod, I was confused as well. Maybe because were both Glitched. "Any explanations?" Tbh asked another question

"I don't know either" Memegod answered clueless. I stayed quiet staring at the screen. "Woolf, do you feel anything? Like, coughing blood or-". I shaked my head "Huh..". Am I weird?

"Maybe because his Glitched like Blaza, y'know" Tbh said, as Memegod just realized it. Meme then chuckled

"True true, maybe" Memegod said while chuckling

"So, can I leave now?" I asked, Memegod then nodded. With that, I stand up and left. That was..weird.. Like, I didn't even did anything.... Why though..wait, I think they don't trust me. Why though..

With that thought floating in my head. I bumped onto someone. "Oh sorry-" It was just Dino, I should actually break up with him, I feel like I'm just hurting him...

(Me: Wut no D: )

"Its okay Woolf, how are you? We haven't talk for so long- I missed you" Dino said, oh wait, never mind. It seems like he'll be more hurt when I broke up with him, god. Why can't I decide... Oh well, I think my brain is fvcked up!

"Uh-well, was just hanging out with Joocie and TBVG" I replied or answered, oh my god, I need help myself for just talking. I have no idea what's happening- help


"Oh- That's why, well since you aren't with them right now. I think its the right time to actually hangout!" Said Dino as he smiled and wagged his tail. I then sighed as I replied "Thanks, know that I'm glitched right?" I then asked as I started walking around the halls as he followed me "Yeah, why?" He answered and asked as he pulled out his tablet "I think I'd need help from Blaza, since y'know..- His also glitched. And I think I need to know how to control the glitch-.. I mean.. I might hurt you..!" I answered as I chuckled lightly "Woolf- I would understand when you glitched me and it hurt me- Its fine, I'd understand.." Dino said and turned to go to Electrical I just stayed outside of the room, where it'

|| Dino's POV ||

As I headed to electrical, I thought about what Woolf told me.. He doesn't need to do that at all... And when I do die from that..they know how to revive me.. I then did my tasks in electrical as I turned around just to see Woolf, outside the room "Don't you have a task?" I asked Woolf as I closed the electrical box "I- don't want to do anything wrong in there with the glitch.." He answered as he chuckled lightly. I then just sighed "Woolf, you can't harm anyone here- Its just you and me here-" I added and just went out the room as he followed "That's what I meant, I don't want to hurt you on any way at all" He said and smiled lightly as he chuckled in the end of his sentence "..." I didn't reply, he just mentioned it again..

"Woolf, stop" I said and looked at him as I went to him, he then backed away. "Stop with what?" Woolf asked me as he chuckled, "Stop saying you might cause trouble because your not!!" I yelled as I told him, "You can't say that, you don't know what's gonna happen.." He replied and looked at me like he wasn't chuckling a moment.. "I can prevent bad things to happen, okay?" I said and told him as he spoke "No, you can't. Tell me, do you know what's gonna happen next in this event? No? Right!" He said and spoke again "Please, I'm just trying to protect everyone else, okay?" He said and told me as he just left, "..." I couldnt even tell him he doesnt need to do that..!! Uggh, why is he like this!?

He always thinks his the problem..he isnt..!! How can I tell him that without him being so stubborn..!? I cant even ask anyone for help, I barely even talk to them anymore..what am I been even doing..!? ... why cant I remember..

|| Woolfster's POV ||

As I just left Dino... "Fvck this sh!t, I'm logging out. Its more safer for everyone else.." I said as I..logged out

[Woolfster left the game]











Okay, so, let's have a talk;

Hey everyone, I know, I know its been like, MONTHS


SHUT UP- I HAVE MORE, okay. I've been on Discord all those months, uhm, sh!t happened there ;-; and I hate it, fvck it, anyways [anygay] thank you Pokemontheevee for standing on no one's side that time :] and thank's for helping me write and give ideas, and help write "Theresa and The Window Clown" with me, Karm0ny , Cindernoname , iamnotnotmiley and spookszz :D !

I also have promotions, uhm, also from Discord, I want all of you to join

ROLEPLAY SERVER - Where you can roleplay ANYTHING!! Just follow the rules, okay!

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48th Landscape City - Where you live in my City! We'd love to have you!

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WATTPAD IDEA'S SERVER - This is important! You like giving theories about my story? Join!

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FLOWER KINGDOM - Like 48th Landscape City, but more, FANCY

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OBJECT SHOW SERVER - You like Object Shows!? THEN JOIN!! You can also roleplay your oc's!! And give theories about Object Shows!!

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That's all!! Thank you everyone <33 !!

Add me on Discord >> Kid48Mhara99#4404

Woolfster x Dino(Glitch AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя