Chapter 12

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|| Woolfster's POV ||

Well this is to much to handle... I can't handle SHROOBZ always like that! And I can't handle Blaza always almost getting killed!!! Its ridiculous!! I'm getting so TRIGGERED!!!! Acck!!!

I walked out of Medbay and went to the other side of the map. And breath... I tried to calm myself down...

"Okay...okay... I'm short tempered... This is just great... Breath Woolf... Breath... Phew..." I breath and sit next to the Engine which gives smokes that's hot

"I don't pick the great sits in the ship... Pfft- Well its warm" I said and leaned my head to the Engine and took a deep breath... Makes me feel good. As long as no one founds me here... I'll feel good

I have a lot of questions... 'How did Shroobz found our Server?' 'How does he know about this so called event' 'Why does Blaza always get indanger?' I got more.... I wish someone can answer me.....

I heard someone walking. And god I was scared.... And it was just Dino

"Uhm... Why are you sitting in a corner? You look like a Homeless Man" Dino told me

(Me: Muffin should be the Homeless Man cuz' of the Sock SMP)

"Well I'm triggered out right now. So I want to breath" I answer

"Triggered? Wha- why?" Dino asked me

"Can. Can you not ask me? I literally want to forget..." I replied

"Uhmmm... If you say so- But make sure that won't get in your nerves" Dino said and went down to Storage"

I just sighed and stand up

"Hey wait up. Maybe I can got with you. Since your not with Shroobz or anything" I called Dino

"I'm not with anyone. I'm with ME" Dino added

"Uhh... Hey, are you wondering how Shroobz found our Server?" I asked Dino

"Yeah, its weird" Dino answered

"Hmmmm.... Its sus of him" I told Dino

"Yea--- Hold up... Are you trying to make me think Shroob, is sus. So I can defend you when your in a fight with him...?" Dino asked

"Uhm... If I say yes you'll get mad?" I asked

"Yes!" He answered

"If I say no you'll get mad?" I asked

"Now your just making sure I won't harm you" Dino said

"Yapparoo..." I replied

Dino sighed

"I'm not going to pick sides..." Dino said sarcastically

"Please I'm innocent!!!" I begged

"I know your innocent Woolf..." Dino replied

"Then pleaseee!!!" I keeped on begging like a maniac XD

"Nope" Dino refused

"So your saying your in Shroobz's side... -_-" I told Dino disappointedly

"What? I didn't said anything like that...!" Dino replied

"Yeah... Yeah maybe I'll log off now" I said

"What no dont---" Before he said anything I already Logged Off

|| Dino's POV ||

. . . . Wow... I didn't even said I'm with Shroobz...

I sighed and went to Admin. In Admin I checked where were everyone. And they're doing there tasks. And I can't see Shroobz anywhere here... Hmmm... So I went to Security and went to look for him and I still didn't saw him. Kinda sus... Its impossible if his in the vents. His not an Impostor. Laff already told the Impostors. So he shouldn't be an Impostor. Right?

Woolfster x Dino(Glitch AU)Where stories live. Discover now