»SPECIAL CHAPTER« || 16 || + Behind the Scenes(Lol Moments)

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Me: Ya'll might be wondering why is this a Special Chapter? Explanation! We have reached 1.03K Readers!!! And I do not know what number is that!! Lmao! So enjoy the story!!! >w< Also this is literally a Woolfasaur chapter :DD

|| Dino's POV ||

Mmm... Woolf passed out? Because UE teleported outside the MAP? I need to go to Medbay-

I runned to Medbay as fast as I can. And Memegod, Socks, Blaza, Tbh, Shroobz--- Mmm... Was there. If Shroobz say's something bad I will break his neck-

"How's Woolf?" I asked Memegod

"Well he just passed out. Its gonna be fine. But his oxygen is pretty low" Memegod answered me

"Socks how did you know Woolf passed out?" Blaza asked

"I heard him screamed so I went to save him. I smashed a window" Socks answered

"Wha- did you fixed it?" I asked

"Well duh..." Socks replied

"I was expecting you would" Tbh added

"Well that explains a lot. That's why he passed out" Memegod included

"Hm? What do you mean?" I asked

"He yelled with all his might to reach help. He doesn't has a helmet on and he yelled with out oxygen there. Making him pass out from not breathing long. Its like his just unconscious, thats all" Memegod answered

"Hmmm..." I said and looked at Woolf in Medbay

"Well if you guys can excuse me- I need to work on my Medbay" Memegod added

"Your Medbay Ô-Ō " Socks and Blaza replied

"J-just get out! Both of you!!" Memegod yelled and pushed them and locked the door of Medbay

"Pfft" Tbh giggled

"Well that was unpleasant-" Memegod told us

"Pfft- Yeah" Tbh replied

Shroobz is quiet right now- Kinda sus. Is he even--- Acck never mind

"Well can you guys leave my Medbay? I have things to do and---" Memegod was cutted of as his tablet alarm went on

"Hm?" Tbh asked

"I need to go to Cams. Its glitching. It keeps on turning off and on. Its annoying......" Memegod replied

"Want me to come?" Tbh offered

"Uh-sure. You guys stay here, okay?" Memegod asked us

"Sure" I said and looked at Shroobz

"Shroobz?" Memegod asked Shroobz

"Hm? O-oh, oh yeah. Okay, s-sure" Shroobz z answered

"Okay! Thanks guys!!!" Memegod said and pulled Tbh and went out of Medbay

(Me: Shroobz looks like his out of zoned -.- )

Why do I need to be with Shroobz...?

"Do you have any tasks to do...?" I asked Shroobz

"If I have I'll do it later" Shroobz answered

"Mmm..." I replied

"What?" He asked

"Nothing" I answered

"If you want me to leave I'll leave" Shroobz offered

"That'll be great" I added

"Then I'll leave" Shroobz said and left

Phew... That's great.... If Woolf wake up and saw Shroobz he'll freak out-

Woolfster x Dino(Glitch AU)Where stories live. Discover now