Chapter 23

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(Warning: Stuff is gonna happen :DD NOT FOR CHILDREN)

|| Woolfster's POV ||

"Bye Muffin, see yah around" I said and waved back at him

He replied with a wave and a smile

I sighed. I know I'm not gonna try... I never try anyways... If I do, I know I'll fail... There's no chances I'm letting Dino with Shroobz... I'm not letting him..... So that thought lent me into the other side of the Ship and I went there only to think. Or find something I can...use...... I don't care if his the Sherrif... And he has a gun... i'll fight him.

(Me: If you kill Shroobz, Dino will die to y'know :DD )

And I looked at the map this time. So I'm not gonna get lost... In time I found a chest- I opened it and there's only a FULL ENCHANTED GREEN DRAGON ARMOR the more that I look at the armor it remind me of a special someone... He would probably love this  i could use this for my protection against Shroobz if he try to shoot me again. I check inside the chest if their is anything useful that we can used but the only things where inside was a few flowers, some strings and a cake? hmmm...strange things to put in a chest

I closed the chest and went back to Cafeteria to get some food. I don't wanna die from starvation Then Shroobz and Dino came. There still together?

"Mmm..." I started

"Oh hi Woolf-" Dino greeted me happily just to see me swaying his tail around

"Hm, hi..." I replied blandly 

"Uhm, where did you got that Armor?" Shroobz asked me pointing at the Dragon Armour I'm holding.

"I looked around the map" I answered keeping this conversation short cause i really don't want to talk to them at the moment...

"So uh-Woolf. What are you doing?" Dino asked

"I was about to yeet myself out of the ship but you guys came...." I answered sarcastically making Dino frowned.

"Woolf your acting rude..." Dino replied to me a little bit sad. I didn't mean to be rude but why is he hanging out with Shroobz all of the sudden?

"I'm acting rude? Why are you ignoring me....?" I said back to Dino

(Me: Turn the tables around maaaannnn)

"Well, uhm..." Dino replied started to fidget his finger and avoiding eye contact with me. I started to teared up

"Mm..... It hurts me...." I whispered holding my hand to my chest. I can literally feel my chest aching with pain by just seeing them together 💔

"What?" Dino asked confused

"N-nothing....." I answered trying to hold back my tears from falling 

"Mmm... Let's go Dino..." Shroobz said patting Dino shoulder and walking away (2 feet away)

". . ." Dino didn't reply and just stand their staring at me. I saw Dino about to speak until... Shroobz interrupted him

"Dino my heart-" Shroobz said clenching his chest

His heart?

"O-oh s-sorry Shroobz" He replied and went to Shroobz side immediately after he what he said leaving me alone in cafeteria with my thoughts

. . . . A-am I hallucinating...? T-this might be a-a sick joke? Right? d-did i do something wrong?  Are they like......together..... . . . . I-i....I....Dino.... D-did you like him the guy w-who almost killed you? How could you forgive him so easily?... 

Woolfster x Dino(Glitch AU)Where stories live. Discover now