Last Update(Seriously Important)

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OK, OK I know you'd prefer a chapter to another update but this is important as it will decide which way I go for the story.

Essentially what it is do people want a shorter or longer story here are the benefits.

Short story benefits:
Ill mostly follow the main story so more updates(Around 30 chapters)

Less lemons
Can't introduce interesting concepts
Might be a little boring, predictable
Things might happen with no explanation

Longer story benefits :
Longer story(Whenever I finish)
A bigger harem(Because its a longer story I can fit room for them)
More lemons
More development
I can expirement with ideas(Mostly just a benefit for me)

Characters might die even harem(Not out of hate)
Might take longer per chapters

(There's probably more downsides and positives but I can't think of any right now)

I seriously need people to comment especially if you like this story

OK but for some good news a new chapter will be out this month(I promise I just need the poll which will decide a certain scene)
If I'm being honest when I originally made this story it was a side idea that I wasn't gonna put much effort into it because of how I felt about Rwby but I'm letting guys decide for the third iteration or four one of this storyline

Thank you all for your patience (Honestly)

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