Passing Of A Legend(Important To Me)

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So today was a really shitty day for me. Let me quickly explain my day.
Today I did my usual shit no school, so I just played a few games, did some homework usual shit.
Later in the afternoon my family went out to the shops but I stayed home still doing my shit.
Three hours later they message me asking if I want a Mcdonalds for dinner and of course I said yes.
So for the next half an hour I was expecting I nice night, finish my homework didn't have to cook and well I turn on YouTube and the first thing I see is.... "Berserk Creator, Kentaro Miura had died at the age of 54"
And well I didn't fucking believe, hell I didn't want to believe it, still I watched and it immediately brought my mood down.
He died during a heart surgery on May the 6th and it was only revealed today.
The man was a legend being the inspiration for so many other manga characters in history.
The man was writing stories since ten by eighteen I think he already had a published story.
Now I can't talk about him like I knew him I was just a fan of his work.
Why is this important well Berserk had easily become my favourite manga and Guts is my favourite fictional character due to how developed and well writing he was.
Berserk to me was a godsend when I first started reading it, at the time I was so annoyed with all these crappy and shitty movies and shows, comics and other crap coming out from western world and here was a masterpiece that most people I knew had never heard of.

The reason I'm talking about this is we'll because it's kinda obvious that my Oc Ghost which has saved (y/n) is heavily based on Guts down to the weapon and armor and a little of the backstory but changed to suit this story.

Berserk didn't only become my favourite Manga but my favourite series in general replacing the franchise I'd grown up with being star wars (but then again star wars was being destroyed at the time)

Honestly this is just a rant, I don't know what to say I'm not good at this sort of stuff all I can say is a fucking legend has passed away. And it's really fucking depressing.
Berserk has been running for 30 years I became a fan three years ago and well now the series will never finish.
Someone else might finish it but I think that's a disservice to Mirua.
I've had the idea of doing a story about Berserk for a few months now with an oc insert, but I just had too many stories on my hands and didn't want to start one and do a disservice to my favorite story, but now I think I will, not right now maybe right after I finish school.

I kinda aspire to write something as great as Berserk, sigh just shows you you can take things for granted because they won't be there forever.

If anyone is interested in a great story, with great artwork, character development then I seriously implore you to go read berserk online or whatever way you want.

Well that's all I have to say so thank you to whoever read through this.
And rest in piece Kentaro Miura I will miss you.


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