Chapter 4

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The rest of the week fell into a pattern. You showed up, worked with Bruce in the lab, and went home. You would see the other Avengers in passing but didn't seek any of them out. As interested as you were to learn more about the members, you were there to do a job and you took that very seriously. You wanted to remain professional, and would often refuse Bruce's invitations to join them for lunch, trying not to overstep the professional boundaries you put up. You learned that unlike the first day you visited, the team didn't usually eat lunch together, although sometimes they would all end up congregating together. Instead, dinner was usually the shared meal, the team making an effort to eat together a couple of times a week. You would take a lunch you brought from home and head up to the roof, which you had found your second day while you were exploring the tower, as the team had another meeting. It was refreshing up there, looking out over the city.

You had finished your lunch and were waiting for FRIDAY to alert you of Banner's return from lunch to the lab, leaning against the side of the building and watching the people down below. You were afraid of heights, but this view didn't seem to scare you. You pulled your knees up to your chest, resting your arms and head on your knees.

You heard the elevator ding from beside you, but ignored it, continuing to gaze over the city. You didn't hear the footsteps of someone leaving the elevator, so curiously you turned your head to look. Your gaze was met by Vision, who was hovering slightly off the roof and came over beside you, sitting down with his legs over the side. You smiled returning your gaze to the city. The two of you sat in silence until a question popped into your mind.

"If you can faze through walls, why do you use the elevator?" you question, turning your eyes to Vision.

"It had become a force of habit. The other residents of the building do not appreciate me fazing through walls. It catches them off guard." You nod. You are prepared to return to the silence when Vision speaks up again.

"The security system informs me that you eat up here every day. Why do you not join Dr. Banner when he goes for lunch?" He looked truest interested. You smile.

"I have never had an opportunity like this before and I want to make sure I don't mess it up and remain professional," you state. The way he looks at you makes you believe that he knows you are telling the truth, but there is something else there as well.

"I think there is more to it Miss [L/N]."


"[Y/N]," he corrects.

"I don't know what you mean," you state. Really, there was another reason. It was bad enough trying to focus with Tony working across the lab. You didn't want to subject yourself to him more than you had to. But professionalism was the main reason. Confused on what he must be referring to (because how would he know about Tony?), you scan his features, but the non-human gives nothing away. He remains silent and you return to looking over the edge.

Although FRIDAY has not called you yet, you decide to return to the lab early. You stand up, giving one last glance to Vision, who has yet to move or say anything else. Shredding off his comment, you walk over and press the button for the elevator. Vision appears next to you.

"Do you plan on telling Mr. Stark?" I turn to him in confusion. He can't be asking what I think he is.

"What do you mean?"

"That you are his daughter." Your eyes widen and your knees buckle at his words. Vision quickly catches you under the arms before your knees hit the ground, but you are more worried about the words he just said.

"I don't know what you're talking about," you try to fake, but you can tell he doesn't believe you.

"I have not told anyone else if that is what worries you," he tries to reassure. You nod your head deep in thought. You want to ask him how he knew, but you figure that the answer wouldn't make you feel any better.

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