Chapter 5

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Opera of Bonn

** in the hotel room **

~Anthony's Point of view~

"Hey Ian, what do you think about Alex and her friend ?? I can't remember her name." I ask. "You mean Maxi ??" "No I mean your mom." I say sarcastically and Ian punches me on the upper arm. "I think they're really nice. Why do you ask ??" Ian asks while I'm to unpacking my suitcase. "Because I want to know what you think about our new friends." I said. "Do you think we meet them again ?? I mean I know that Maxi works at the opera. But what about Alex ??" Ian replied. "I don't know. I'm really tired let's go to bed." I said and yawned. I went in my room. And Ian went in his room. Yeah we have a hotel room together but it is more like a little apartment.

** next day **

~Maxi's Point of view~

I woke up knowing that I'm going to see Smosh again. I took my phone from my bed stand and looked at the time. It was 10:30 (10:30am). Because I'm late shift, I still have 3h until I have to be in the opera. Late shift is longer because there is an open end. The end of my shift depends on the opera/show which is on the evening.

I got out of my bed and walked to Alex' room. I knocked before I went in. She was already up and read something. "Good morning. Did you sleep well ??" I asked. "Good morning. I slept like a baby dreaming about today's show at the opera. And dreaming about Anthony. What about you ??" She respond and looked up from her book. "I slept well but I didn't dream anything. I'm going to make breakfast. Do you want anything special ??" I said while walking out of the door. "Just make some bacon." She said and got out of her bed. I went into the kitchen and prepared the bacon and buns. Then I put everything else on the table, like cheese, strawberry and raspberry jam, Nutella and cream cheese. "Alex! Breakfast is ready!" I yelled. "That smells delicious." She said and sat down.

After breakfast I went into the bathroom and got dressed. I put on a jeans, a black T-shirt and a gray sweater I looked my phone, it was 12:45 (12:45pm).

I went to Alex' room and said to her "We have to go to work now. Do you want to drive or should I drive ??" "I want to drive. What do you think how the show is going to look like ??" She asked. "I don't know. The only thing I know is that the show is only about 1h and it starts at 14:00 (2pm). That means for us that we don't have to work too long. Maybe Ian and Anthony want to walk along the Rhine or want to see some sights that are near by." I said while walking towards the garage, Alex was behind me. We got in her car and she said "Yeah that would be cool." Then she started the engine and begun to drive to the opera.

~Ian's Point of view~

I sat on the couch in our hotel room and flipped through the channels. I couldn't understand anything so I turned of the TV. Anthony was sitting next to me googling how we are getting to the opera.

I stood up to get something to drink. On the way to the kitchen I stopped at the window and looked out. Our room had a great view over the Rhine and a big building with a banner which said 'Theater Bonn Opernhaus' . "Anthony do you know what 'Opernhaus' means ??" I asked and he said "I think it means opera House. Why do you ask ??" "I think I found the opera. It is right over there." I answers and Anthony came to me and said "Yeah you're right. Let's go then. Our show starts in about an hour."

We walked over to the opera. When we arrived a few teenagers came towards us and asked "You're Smosh right ??" "Yeah that's us." Anthony said. One if the teens, a girl probably 16, said "And you got a performance today." "Yeah that's right. Do you want that we sign something for you and your friends ??" I asked and the girl nodded. We signed their stuff and searched for the entrance.

~Alex' Point of view~

It was 13:00 (1pm). We are always 30min to early at our work. Maxi got out so I could park the car in a tiny parking lot. I got out of the car and saw Ian and Anthony walking around on the area in front of the main entrance. "Hey Maxi, look there are Ian and Anthony. I think they don't know where the side entrance is." I said. "let's help them." She answered.

"Hey Anthony, hey Ian. You two look lost. Can I help you ??" I said while walking towards them. "Hey Alex and Maxi. How are you two ??" Anthony said. "Yeah can you please help us ??" Ian answered to my question. "We can't find the side entrance. Maxi you know where it is right ??" he said and Maxi answered "Yeah of course. I work here and I only use the side entrance. By the way Alex works also here."

We walked together to the side entrance. "Here we are. You can come with us." I said to Anthony and Ian. "Hello Mrs. Kämer. How are you today ?? These are our special guests for today. Their show is in an hour." I said in German. "I'm fine. What about you two ??" She answered, in German of course. "We're fine too. Do you need anything from those two ??" I asked while pointing at Anthony and Ian. "No. I believe that those two are the special guest from America, because I just have to look at their faces, to know that they don't understand what we are talking about." She answered and winked. I looked over to Anthony and Ian and saw the confused expression on their faces and Maxi told them quick what we just said. Then we walked in.


Authors Note

Hey Funfreaks !!

What do you think about this chapter. I'm sorry that it took me longer to update but I had an very important appointment.

On the pic you can see how the area around the Opera looks like. The Opera is near the bridge and the yellow building, which looks loke an 'u' is the hotel Ian and Anthony are staying in.

I think you should know, that Ä is pronounced like ai.

It would be awesome when you'll check out my new book. I write short stories there!

I hope you liked it anyway. Please comment if you wanna have a chapter about the Smosh show in the Opera.

Have Fun and Smile every time

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