Chapter 6

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BTS Opera and Sights

~ Ian's Point of view~

Maxi and Alex showed us a few places like the cafeteria. I never thought that the opera is so big. With all these hallways it is just like a maze. We arrived at a big door. "Behind this door is the stage. And over there" Maxi said while pointing to a different door "is the room where you can prepare yourself  for your show." "And if you want we can also show you where we are going to be during your show." Alex added and unlocked the door to the room. "I think it would be awesome to see more about all that what happens behind the scenes at an Opera." I replied. "But we only got 45min left until we have to be on the stage." Anthony said. "I've got an idea. We show you now where our places during the show are and after the show we can show you the rest." Maxi said. Her voice sounded like she was very excited. "OK let's do that !" Anthony and I said at the same time.

"And this is the place where we work during every show." told us Alex. It was a long small room. On the one side was a big heel and there stood a lot of huge lamps and other lights. And the side was open with bars so you can't fell down into the audience. From there you had a great view on the stage. "So ... What do you do up here ??" Anthony asked. "From here we control the lightning. For example there are dancers on the stage of course the have to be in the spotlight so with these we follow them around." Maxi explains. "WOW ! That is amazing !" I said.

After 15min we returned to our room and Maxi and Alex begun to set all the lights up.

** (after the show) **

~Anthony's Point of view~

The show was great. There were more people than expected. We answered question, we sang the 'Ultimate Assassins Creed Song' and the 'Assassins Creed 4' song and we did some stupid stuff the people suggested. And of course we took photos and signed their stuff. I knew that Alex and Maxi had fun too because they kept moving the lights away from us so we had to run and try to catch the light. The fans loved it.

When we returned to our room it was about 15:30 (3:30pm). We waited here for Alex and Maxi to return.We waited here for Alex and Maxi to return.

"Here we are." Alex said walking into the room with Maxi. "Let's go then. The few things we showed you earlier is just the tip of the iceberg. The opera is really big behind the scenes." Maxi said and walked out of the room and we followed her.

** (after the guided tour through the opera ) **

When Alex and Maxi were done showing us the whole place we returned to the side entrance. "So ... have you anything planned for the rest of the day ??" Ian asked. "No we have no planes. Normally we just go home and watch TV or do something else after work." Maxi answered. "Do you want to do something with us ??" Alex asked. "Yeah. Why not." I said. "What do you guys want to do ??" Maxi questioned. "Maybe sightseeing ?!" Ian said. "Well what time is it ?? The only sight near the opera is the Beethoven Monument. And a few museums. They all close around 17:30 (5:30pm)." I looked at my phone and said "It is now 16:30 (4:30pm). Then lets go to the Beethoven monument." "Do we have to drive there ??" Ian asked. "No. We walk there. It is in the city centre. And the city centre is right over there." Maxi said and pointed towards the west. "OK let's go then." Ian said.

"Wow Bonn is a beautiful city." I said when we arrived at the monument. "Yeah I know. I live here you know." Alex said playfully. "The monument looks great. In front of that yellow building." Ian said. "The yellow building is the post office." Maxi explained. "Oh and over there is the Haribo store." Alex pointed to a red building with a yellow bear in front of it.

We walked around for about 20min until Ian said "Hey, can we get something to eat I'm freaking hungry !" "What do you want to eat ??" Maxi asked. "I don't know. Something delicious !" Ian responded. "Let's go back to our car and on the way you can think about what you want to eat." Alex said.

** (back at the opera) **

"How about we drive to the McDonald's drive through ?" Alex said. "Yeah. This is great idea." I answered. "Maybe we can film a lunchtime ?" Ian said. "That would be a great idea. And then we can upload it tomorrow." I replied. "Sounds like a plan." "Hey guys ?!" said Maxi. "What abut us ?! I mean you don't have a car to drive on your own. So ... " Alex added. "Yeah right. Do you want to be in a lunchtime with smosh episode ??" I asked. "Yeah sure. Why not." they answered in unison.

We got in Alex' car. Ian and I sat in the back and Maxi on the passenger seat. I pulled out the camera and turned it on. " Hey guys welcome to another episode of Lunchtime with Smosh. Today we're gonna eat american food in Germany." "You may be wondering why neither me or Anthony is driving. This is because today we have two special guests with us. Here we have Alexandra, who drives today, and here we have Maximilia her best friend." said Ian while he took the camera and turned it towards Alex and Maxi. Both said hi into the camera. Then he turned out the camera and we drove to the McDonald's.


Authors Note

Hey Funfraks.

Here is chapter 6 I hope you enjoy reading. And sorry when you have to wait so long for a new chapter.

Up in the edge of the pic you see where the two girls work during a show.

I dedicated this chapter to MigzFortuno because his Smosh trilogy inspired me to write my own Fanfiction. You should definitely check out this trilogy. It is AMAZING !!!

Have Fun and Smile Every time

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