Chapter 10

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Phantasialand part 2

~ Ian 's Point of view ~

When the wagon arrived I had some trouble with the saftybar. "Maxi can you help me please ??" I asked her and she started laughing. "I'll help you but you have to invite to a Crêp." She answerd with a smile. I agreed and he hepedme out. Then we grabbed our bags and went out, where Alex an Anthony were waiting.

I looked at my best friend, his face was pale. "Was it that horrible ??" I asked him. He just nodded. "But see the positve thing in it ... Your cloths are dry." Maxi said with a smile. "Then let's go and ride something slower. Are you two fine with that ??" Alex asked Maxi and me. "It depends on which attraction you wanna ride." Maxi answered. "I don't care if it's fast or slow as long as we have fun !" I said. "Ok then, I think we should go on Geister Riksha." Alex said. "What's that ?? Is that far from here ??" Anthony asked. "No it's not far away. But you have to get used to walk almost the whole day." Alex resposed. "Ian do you wanna go with them or do you wanna go on a fatser ride just with me ??" Maxi asked. "Uhmmmm ... Let's go with Alex and Anthony." I replied.

We arrived at the entrance, it was dark inside. "What kind of attraction is that ??" I asked. "You'll see !" Maxi said with kinda evil girn. "Anthony with who do you wanna sit ??" Alex asked. "I don't know ... Why do you ask ??" He replied. "I ask becasue the waggons are only for maximum 3 persons." Maxi explained. "Or one of us sits alone in a wagon." Alex added. "Then who is the who sits alone ??" I asked playfully. "Well since you ask ... it's gonna be you !" Maxi said with a grin. "But I don't wanna ride alone." I said in my Billy voice. "Stop fighting we can decide who sits with who when we get to the wagons. "Anthony interrupted our 'fight'. "Fine lets go then." I said .

We walked through the darkness untill we could see a bit more light. "So Alex with who do you wanna sit ??" Anthony asked. "I don't care. You decide." she answered. Anthony then turned to Maxi "What about you Maxi ??" "I also don't care." She replied. "Well then I think I go in a waggon together with Alex. Are you ok with that ??" Anthony asked Alex. And she nodded. "Ok. Then we're go in a wagon together." I said to Maxi and she smiled.

Then we got in the wagon, while it was driving very slow, and the ride started. It was creepy. I sat right next to Maxi on her left side and on the right side was a spare place. At one point Maxi hold my hand I looked at her and she seemed scared. So I huggend her.

"Thanks for hugging me." Maxi said to me. "No problem." I answered with smile. "Soo ... Where do you wanna go next ??" Alex asked when they came to us. "Another fast rollercoaster." I said. "Ok. How about the rollercoater Michael Jackson inaugurated." Maxi suggested. "Sounds great." I replied.

When we got there Anthony asked "Where do you wanna sit ??" "If you prefer it a bit slower I recommend the front row. If you prefer it a bit faster I recommend the last row. And if you don't really care i recommend a place somewhere in the middle" Alex replied. "Ok. I'd like to sitin the front row." Anthony said. "Where do you wanna sit ??" I just looked at Maxi, who looked at me and we said in unison "Last row !!" "Then we split up and meet at the exit." Alex said as Anthony and her walked to the front row and Maxi and I walked to the last row. "I think you might wanna know that almost at the end is a camera which takes a pic you can buy if you want." Maxi informed me.

The ride was pretty fun Maxi and I laughed the whole time so I forgot the camera and the pic looked really stupid. When we met the others at the exit we decided to split up cause I was a little bit hungry and Anthony wanthed something different. "What do you want to eat ??" Maxi asked. "Uhmm.. I don't know. How about you ??" I replied. "Since you owe me a Crêp let's go get crêps." She suggested. I had a Crêp with nutella and Maxi had a Crêp with cherries. While we eat our Crêps we talked abou diffterent stuff. After we ate our Crêps we went to a ride called Finjas Fear & Force. This are two almost the same rollercoasters and we went on both. After that we went on almost everything in the theme park.

We had a really awesome day. Arround 18:30 (6.30pm) we met Alex and Anhony at the carrousel. At the exit was an employee who asked us if we want a second card for the summer sesion. Alex and Maxi said yes but I wasn't sure about that. "Anthony do you think we come here again so we can use the second card ??" I whisper asked him. "Uhmmm... We can get the card and maybe we come here again. And maybe just to go to this theme park." He whisper answered. Then we signed the card and drove home.

** after the split up **

~Anthony's Point if view~

Alex suggested another log flume. This one was different. it had no safty bars and the boat was for 9 people but since almost noone was there only Alex and I were on a boat together. On the first ride we stayed dry. Alex asked if we could stay in the boat for another ride but this time I got all the water. My cloths were soaked and Alex was laughing. After that we went on cople other attractions before we met Ian and Maxi by tha carrousel at the entrance.

We had a really awesome day. At the exit was an employee who asked us if we want a second card for the summer sesion. Alex and Maxi said yes. "Anthony do you think we come here again so we can use the second card ??" Ian whisper asked me. "Uhmmm... We can get the card and maybe we come here again. And maybe just to go to this theme park." I whisper answered. Then we signed the card and drove home.


Athors Note


Hey guys sorry for the slow updates but I have a lot of suff going on right now. Plus my graduation is soon. So here is a extra long chapter for you to enjoy.

Please tell me what you think about the chapters in the theme park.

Have fun and Smile every time

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