Chapter 8

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Preparing for an Adventure

Authors Note

This is probably the only time that I post a authors not at the beginning of a chapter and at the end.

I just want to say during text messages and phone calls I = Ian; M = Maxi; An = Anthony and Al = Alex.

Enjoy reading :)


~Anthony's Point of view~

After a couple looses and wins we started to talk. "Do you have anything planned for this Wednesday ??" Alex asked. I looked over to Ian then back to Alex "No. We have nothing planned. Why do you ask ??" Alex looked over to Maxi, who nodded. "We want you ask if you guys wanna come to this theme park with us ??" She answered. "Is it far away ??" Ian asked. "No. It's actually really close. About 30min drive by car." Maxi said. "If you wanna see it we can show you the website." She added. "Nah... Surprise us with this." I said with a smile. "Don't you have to work on Wednesday ??" Ian asked. "Actually, yes, but this Wednesday we have a day off. And since Wednesday is the middle of the week there are probably no children, except for maybe one schoolclass... and probably no other Smosher." Maxi responded and laughed.

I looked at my phone. It was already 23:45 (11:45pm) "We should probably go. I guess you have to work tomorrow, right ??" I said. "Yeah you're right. But one last thing ... The theme park opens at 9:00 (9:00am) and closes at 18:00 (6:00pm)." Alex added. "Ok and when are we gonna get there ??" I questioned. "Well between 9:00 (9:00am) and 9:15 (9:15am). And you should pack some things." Alex answered. "How much does a ticket cost ??" I asked. "You don't have to pay we invite you." Alex and Maxi said in unison. "I think we should give you our phone numbers, so you can text us what we have to pack." Ian said. "And you have to promise that you never ever gonna tweet or post our numbers !!" I said. "WE PROMISE !!" Alex said. "But the same for our numbers." Maxi said and laughed.

After we exchanged numbers Maxi drove us home and we went to bed.

** time skip to Wednesday **

~Ian's Point of view~

I woke up at 7:30 (7:30am) by my alarm. I went out of my room to check if Anthony is already awake. I knocked on his door and yelled "Hey Dude, wake up, we have to get ready and we have to pack our stuff!" A tired looking Anthony opened the door. "I'm up you don't have to yell. Go ahead use the bathroom. I make breakfast." He said.

I took a shower and got dressed. I got out of the bathroom and smelled bacon and scrambled eggs. I walked over to Anthony and we ate together. I texted Maxi while Anthony got ready.

I: Good Morning :)
M: Good Morning :) Are you ready to go ??
I: Almost. We just have to pack our bags. What do we need ??
M: Well you need some money, something to drink and maybe something to eat. The food and drink is not very cheap.
I: Okay. How much money do we need exactly ??
M: About 30€ each
I: Well I'm gonna pack my stuff now. See you guys later.
M: Okay :)

Anthony came out of his room and we started to pack our stuff.

**(Meanwhile at the girls house)**

~Maxi's Point of view~

I woke up by the buzzing of my phone. I saw that Ian texted me so I texted back. After he said that he would pack his stuff I got up, went to Alex' room, woke her up, got dressed and prepared breakfast. After Alex and I had breakfast we went to Alex' car and drove to the Hilton hotel. "Hey can you text Ian that we're on our way ??" She asked. "Yeah sure." I responded.

M: We're on our way.
I: Okay we wait outside.
M: We'll be there in 5 min.
I: Hurry up !! We are freaking excited :)

"They are gonna wait outside." I told Alex. She nodded and turned on the radio. " These were main news. And now the weather. It's a cloudy day about 15°C to 20°C and maybe some rain." The radio newscaster said. "Sounds like the perfect day for visiting the Phantasialand." I said "Yeah, you're right." Alex responded.

We arrived at the hotel. Ian and Anthony got in the car and we started driving to Phantasialand "Are you excited ??" I asked "Yeah. It's not everyday we get invited to go to an amusement park." Anthony said. "Yeah right. I bet you'll love it." Alex said pretty excited.

We arrived there at 9:15 (9:15am). "The most attractions open at 10:00 (10:00am), some at 9:30 (9:30am) at a few at 9:00 (9:00am)" Alex informed Ian and Anthony. "Well then lets go and have a great day !!!" They yelled.


Authors Note

I hope you're ready for the next chapter. It's gonna have much more action !!

The pic showes just one attraction. In the next chapter there will be a vid and a pic.

Have Fun and Smile every time

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