Chapter 9

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I hid behind Hongseok as Yanan opened the box. "I-it's pictures?" Yanan questioned, I rolled my eyes taking out all of the pictures only to see food. "Max." I called and he sat next to me. "The pictures...if you see anyone who looks like this...warn us okay?" I said and Max licked my arm. "Good boy." I patted his head lightly. As we walked forward I paused. Boo Seungkwan. "S-Seungkwan." I said, everyone looked at me surprised. "You know him?" Hongseok asked, I shook my head. "No but remember when we went inside that house together and I found that picture from that was titled Boo Seungkwan." I said, Hongseok widened his eyes. "You found him? We sent him to come after you guys...I guess he didn't make it." Dawn said, I looked down and sighed. We continued our walk, the journey got more and more tough.
I stopped my tracks once I felt the baby kick. Hongseok was about to ask what happened but I placed his hand on my stomach. Max placed his paws on my thighs. He looked up at me with wonder. I took his small paw and placed it on my stomach as well.

Hui smiled at us. "You guys are going to be such a good family." He said, I smiled back at him. "How far are we?" Wooseok asked, he drank water from his flask. "Not even close to our destination it could take months." Hyuna said, this made Yanan,Yeo One, and Yuto groan. "Relax, as long as we stick together and be wise we'll survive and it'll be all worth it in the end."Hui said, Dawn chuckled. "Don't worry it's not such a bad journey the further we go the less zombies there are and since we have you guys you might be able to help us fight the virus." He said, Hyuna leaned her head against him. "Hongseok...what happens if I give birth early?" I asked and he shrugged. "I'm not sure but I'll be here for sure to help you Kino and  Jinho will be here to help as well." He said, I smiled. Hongseok and the boys and of course Hyuna were all I could ask for. Our soon to be child is a miracle waiting to happen. Pledis Nation is the reason why we're still sane. Why we're still fighting. We were gonna fix this world regardless of the sacrifices. Our journey was much easier than I thought, well besides the boys always whining and us running out of supplies which leaves us here:

*3 months later*
We were approximately 1 month closer to our journey. Everything was all set. No one was hurt. The problem was, our food and water is all gone. Zombies were nowhere around due to the climate which meant we could take stuff from forests but we weren't sure if it was contaminated and we were to afraid to find out ourselves. The air was way more fresh, the sunlight felt more softer. It was hot but cold. Something most zombies hate, according to Kino whose done plenty of research. The plants seemed more green and the abandoned houses, buildings, and farms weren't as broken down. They were protected. "We're actually really close to our location." Hyuna said in disbelief. It was as if our teamwork didn't slow us down but sped us up. "I find this astounding." Dawn said, I smiled. We finally had our stop. Of course instead of a snack break and water break it was a sit down and discuss Pledis Nation type of break. "Alright so... Pledis Nation is so high on technology right now that with people who have brains as good as you guys we might fight this virus and restore humanity. What will we do about those who are like Hongseok and Wooseok?"Jinho asked, I widened my eyes. "What do you mean like Hongseok and Wooseok?" Hyuna asked, this made us all tense up. Jinho quickly covered his mouth. "Guys...explain what do you mean like Hongseok and Wooseok??!"

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