Chapter 10

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"Hyuna...Dawn, they had a little incident that infected them but Hongseok's blood was so immune to this certain virus that it killed it but at the same time he's half dead. Wooseok bit him which means that either Wooseok injected his immunity to Hongseok or their both naturally immunes." Kino explained, Dawn hesitated at first but Hyuna furrowed her eyebrows. "So the there a probability that they're immune or that they're half whatever Hongseok is?" She asked, Kino sighed. "It's way too complicated to figure out since this species is so complicated which means we'll have to find out. There hasn't been enough tests or research. Science can barely explain it. " He explains, I got up. "Enough talk we need to get moving." I said, they all got up and we continued our journey. Dehydration was slowing us down, it got so bad that some of us started crawling instead of walking. "How much longerrr?" Yanan whined, Hui groaned. "Jesus stop complaining! It could be all week maybe all month just stop complaining and shut u-." Dawn pointed at a hill, it was about 0.8 miles away from us. "You mean in 5 minutes?" He smirked, we all gasped. My stomach felt so tight and painful, a feeling I was slightly familiar with but not sure of. Contractions. I grabbed tightly onto Hui's shoulder, this made him look at me with a worried expression. "We need to hurry." I told him, he grabbed my arm to wrap it around his shoulders. His hand landed on my back as he began to speed walk. This made everyone freak out. We made it over the hill, the sight was beautiful. Steel walls, surrounding a city. Much like the maze runners glade but a city.

Hyuna ran to the steel doors the bodyguards unlocking the doors, they slid open. I felt a band pop, in a lower region. A liquid dripping down my pants. Hyuna gasped and ran to someone. "We got one." She said, this made us confused. A group of people followed her back. In a short span of time I was on a stretcher and being sent into a separate room. The baby was here, here and early.

*???s POV*
I made my way into the SVT building, screams were being heard. It was a normal sound as we're in the apocalypse. As leader of SVT it was my duty to check on everyone who was directed towards our group. While I was about to open the door, I noticed Hyuna,Dawn, and a few other people. Males to be exact. Maybe they were in group SVT but which one? SVT H? SVT V? Or SVT P? I kept quiet, Dawn took notice of this and gave me a little nod. "Don't go in there Seungcheol. Graphic stuff is happening it'll be a few hours." Dawn said, this made me nod. "Jeonghan is in there right?" I asked, Hyuna nodded. "Well in that case, the council said to get back to work and show these newbies around." I ordered them, it was weird since I was younger but I'm part of the council since I'm one of the leaders. The door opened, a guy very handsome and tall stood by me. His face showing nothing more but the expression of worry. "What's wrong Hongseok, is Y/n okay?" Hyuna asked, he slid down the door till he was sitting down. "S-she- her- blood they- two." His worried expression soon turned into a smile. "Slower man."The shortest said, he looked up at them. "They're twins." He said, this made them all clap. The door opened once more, Joshua, Woozi, Jeonghan, and DK stepped out. "She said it's okay to come in." Woozi said, everyone ran inside. Oh they're gonna love it here.

*Y/n's POV*
I held the youngest in my arms, Hongseok held our baby girl . It was strangely quiet, I looked down at our son who was crying. "He's crying that's good." Joshua said, I wasn't paying much attention since our children were here. "If you don't mind we're going to take them to the nursery and you guys need your tour of the city and plus you guys need a shower and new clothes. Jeonghan here will be your host...enjoy."

This was a huge change, so many questions ran through our heads. How did we get here? How did they survive? How long till the apocalypse gets worse? Will we ever go back to a normal life? All these questions couldn't be answered no, it was too soon. Freedom is here and we're glad. Something was off about this new lifestyle. Something odd...

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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