Chapter 7

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It's been about 5 months since we started our journey. I decided to keep the note a secret. Hongseok didn't know, only Yuto and I. That's all that matters. I noticed my stomach started to grow a bit. The boys have been really protective of me and I'm glad. "Hey need to take a break. Go easy on the little one." Hongseok said holding me close. "You're right...I am a bit hungry and sleepy." I told him. "I'll keep look out." Jinho said, pulling out his gun. We all set down our stuff and got comfy. " we have any food?" I asked, he chuckled before opening his bag, handing me an apple. "Do you have any chocolate?" I asked smirking. He rolled his eyes, before Hui grabbed my arm softly. "You know the sweets before bed. It's not good for you nor the baby. You don't want nightmares do you?" He asked, I shook my head. "You also know the rules...hands off my princess." Hongseok joked. Hui kissed my cheek, before hiding behind Jinho. "You're lucky Y/n has a little one if not I would've whooped your ass." Hongseok death glared at the elder. I placed my head on Hongseok's lap, he began to play with my hair. "Goodnight princess and our little one." He whispered, I slowly closed my eyes.
I couldn't sleep, something felt... strange. I opened my eyes, Jinho sighed. "Can't sleep?" He asked, I shook my head no. I moved to sit down next to him. "I feel like something's wrong." I whispered, he only nodded. "I saw the can't lead us to the wrong destination. I think they're actually trying to save us...I mean. How else are we alive?" He asked, I widened my eyes looking for the note to which he had in his hand. "Should I tell them... I promised Yuto." I said as I looked at the sleepy boy, he nodded. "It'll be okay." He reassured me, I smiled. "Now get some sleep okay?" He said, I hugged him before heading towards Hongseok. "Y/n..." I looked at Hui who shifted in his sleep. A moan escaped his lips, I panicked looking at Jinho who was more focused on our surroundings. I slowly laid down next to my boyfriend,holding onto him.
We had all woken up to the sound of Jinho. "Let's go guys." He said, I slowly got up along with Hui. "Hey... how's the baby?" He asked I touched my stomach feeling a little kick. "They're a little active today." I groaned as the baby kicked harder. "Oh are you okay?" Wooseok asked, sounding worried. "Here you must be hungry." Yuto added on, I giggled. "Guys I'm fine." I then heard a growl. I slowly turned around seeing what I expected...zombies. I quickly reached for my gun but realized it wasn't in my waistband. "HONGSEOK!" I yelled he had quickly woken up, ready for battle. "You guy's go somewhere else Wooseok,Shinwon, Yeo One, and Jinho stay with me okay. Make sure Y/n gets to safety." He said as he shot each zombie. It was amazing how calm he was in these types of situations. Yanan, Hui, Kino, Yuto and I headed forward. I suddenly began to feel worried. "Guy's... didn't we make a pact to never split." I said grabbing Yanan's arm to stop us. "Don't worry it's for the baby and for you...and don't worry...that's why we all have walkie talkies." Kino explained, we kept walking forward. "To make it better we can play a game, yeah?" Hui asked I nodded. "Okay...what do you think the baby is going to be?" He asked I thought for a minute. "A girl. I have this gut feeling-" "Literally." Yanan joked making us all laugh. Just then Hui's walkie talkie went off, static could be heard. As he adjusted it he got a clear response from Shinwon. "GUY'S ZOMBIES HEADED YOUR WAY RUN!"He shouted, I panicked. Just then, Kino grabbed my hand tightly and we all started running. (A/n: I did some research and apparently running is good for you and the baby which I found cool) I accidentally tripped over a rock. I landed on my hands and knees not wanting to hurt my unborn child. I then felt something grab me, I screamed in horror. Once I got a quick glimpse of the zombies face I realized it looked quite familiar. "K-kino HELP!"I shouted he quickly pulled out his needle,injecting it inside the zombie. It fell to the ground. "S-stay here..." Yanan said as he pulled out his knife. He began to kill off the other zombies as Yuto, Hui, Kino, and I lifted up the zombie. We went to another spot, carefully placing down the semi alive body. "Step back. Just in case it didn't work." Kino said grabbing my shoulder to pull me back. It was quiet for some time.

"HYUNA!"The voice shouted my heart shattered. Who was this person and how do they know Hyuna? I saw their skin turn back to normal. "Who are you. Why did you say her name?" I asked taking a step forward, Hui looked away making me question him. "Hui... do you know him?" I asked. No response. "Hui who is this guy!?" I almost shouted but Kino covered my mouth. "Guy's...this is Hyojong or...Dawn."He mumbled the last part. "Where's Hyuna?" The boy named Dawn asked, I looked away knowing my tears would form. "She died... a year
ago." I said he widened his eyes. "No way she was here a few days ago looking for a girl named Y/n." With those words...the sound of rustling trees were heard.

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