Chien Noir (Chapter 4)

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"I can't find it, this is impossible." said Lady Rouge as she sighed.

"Nothing is impossible for Lady Rouge and Cat Noir! I'll make it up to her, I promise."

"I trust you Adr- Cat Noir."

"Since you know my identity, who are you?"

"Uhh, we have more important things to take care of... look out!" A beam of Heartbreaker's power came from behind and Lady Rouge jumped infront of Cat Noir's back.

"Oh no! I feel my powers draining, I'm detransforming!"

Her eyes turned red.

"ARGH! Why bother trying to devilise Marinette, I mean I won't do it. A 'friend' like her doesn't deserve it..."

"Wait, you're a friend of Marinette's... ALYA?!"

"Why would I be friends with that flimsy flyweight, leave me alone..." Lady Rouge's miraculous' were slipping away. Cat Noir immediately grabbed Alya and they hid away from Heartbreaker.

"You'll regret that Cat Noir, I'll find her soon enough..." said Heartbreaker. She jumped away and continued her work.

Cat Noir had found an empty alleyway far from the Eiffel Tower. "Lucky Charm!" The lucky charm was a sewing needle. "Tikki spots off, Trixx let's rest." Alya leaned back and panted and she angrily looked at Cat Noir. "A needle? Where have I seen one? Are you okay Alya?" said Cat Noir. "Whatever, leave me alone and take these colourful bugs with you." (she was referring to the kwamis). Cat Noir immediately remembered where he had seen the needle, in Marinette's room. He just had no idea why he had to go there. Carefully with the help of his stick/staff he made it into Marinette's room.


"Why would the lucky charm want me to go here?" said Cat Noir as he walked across the room. "I think I have an idea. Follow me." said Tikki. Tikki flew across the room to Marinette's closet. Under a pile of old school books was a large wooden box but not just any box, the Miracle box that held many miraculous'.

"Hold on! Is this the Miracle box?"

"I think the lucky charm wanted Lady Rouge to take a certain Miraculous to use but I think you have to choose one to help you defeat Heartbreaker."

"But which? They're like 10!"

"Actually 12 excluding the peacock, moth and cat miraculous. 15 all together in this Miracle box."

"Wow, anyways which Miraculous should I use?"

"Hmm... ah! How about the dog Miraculous? It has the power to track a lost item or something that can help you."

(I really don't know (please help) It's just my imagination, I have no idea what it does)

"Great idea! Plagg, claws in. Eat up!" Adrien threw a piece of camembert towards the hungry kwami. "Mhm, delicious, oh hey Sugarcube!" said Plagg as he chewed on his cheese. "Ugh, I told you to stop calling me that! Wait... did you hear that?" Tikki gestured towards the balcony.

A little while before, Heartbreaker was still looking for Cat Noir. She had looked all over Paris, but there was no sign of the cat. "Where could that mangy cat be?!" yelled Heartbreaker. "Heartbreaker, it's time to show your true power!" said Hawk Moth. "You got it Hawk Moth!" Heartbreaker whistled really loudly and people miles away could hear her clearly.

Back at Marinette's bedroom, Tikki realised what the sound was. "Everyone, cover your ears!" yelled Tikki. Everyone in the room covered their ears (well I'm not sure if kwamis have ears but they can hear... you get what I mena right?). All of Paris had no love and was full of heart broken citizens.

"Adrien, you need to hurry and defeat Heartbreaker!"

"What do I do?"

"Wear your cat Miraculous and the dog Miraculous. You can use your Cataclysm to destroy the akuma. If you end up using your Cataclysm before you need too, I'll find someone to help you, somehow..."


Adrien put the dog Miraculous on and he met the kwami Barkk. "Nice to meet you Adrien, I am Barkk!" "Nice to meet you Barkk! Plagg, CLAWS OUT!" He transformed into Cat Noir and looked towards Tikki. "BARKK, PLAGG, UNIFY!"

He merged the miraculous' and he now his suit was a light shade of orange, his bell was now connected to the collar necklace and he still had his tail and he had dog ears. "Tikki, call me, Chien Noir!" "You can do it Chein Noir!" Chien Noir jumped from the balcony and landed on the roof of the Dupain-Cheng bakery.

Everywhere Chien Noir went there was a heartbroken person. Heartbreaker had to be stopped. After a while, Chien Noir had checked all over Paris but Heartbreaker, the love of his life had disappeared... "I can't seem to find her. If I were Heartbreaker, where would I go? Wait, I'll use my power! SEARCH!" (this is so pathetic XD)

Chien Noir's power led him all around Paris, until he reached the Agreste mansion. "Huh? Why am I at my house? Why would my power lead me here?" He went inside, before anyone noticed. He entered through the unlocked door and he paused and looked around. "For some reason, I feel the need to go to my mothers painting."

Chien Noir walked towards his father's office, to his mother's painting and he stared sadly at the painting. "Wish you were here with me mother." He looked behind him and he realised his father and Nathalie were not home. "That's strange... hmm what's this?" He noticed some staining and bumps on the painting and he lightly pressed on them and the floor started to sink
I've started a book called 'Sugar or Salt?' and I'm working on chapter 1. It's an original story and it doesn't have to do with Miraculous Ladybug. I just had some ideas and I started typing. When it's published, you guys should check it out. Have a good day ;).

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